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Re: The Beer Garden

Feeling good to be home @TAB ๐Ÿ˜

Re: The Beer Garden

going to dentist today and seeing a rental, so may have to get off lounge ..think a few rounds of water before attempting anything much @Former-Member

Re: The Beer Garden

hmm yeah, horrible job over, pay issues sorted out, just feeling flattened today still lol, decided to go to pub to beat the heat, ended up feeling not good after couple drinks, removed self, got home, went to bed, way not enough water yest, dumb.. @Former-Member How are you going? Those pics were mostly for you, re bush, and stopping for happy snapsSmiley Happy

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Re: The Beer Garden

Thanks @TAB I love seeing emu families out there. My ex husband was from the Territory so we dove up there a few times. My fave place is Coongie lakes and innamincka. Spent lots of time in the flinders too but that's not really outback. Apart from long it would have been a good drive. Love the red earth in those pics. Glad pay has worked out and you can put that behind you. Good luck with dentist. I have psychiatrist appointment today which is just as scary as dentist for me. May not be on much after. Best wishes. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿค—

Re: The Beer Garden

@Former-Member hope it goes okay with psych. Dentist is something minor not the ongoing root canal , chipped filling bothering me ..yeah never seen groups of young emus like that before, usually lone adults

Flinders is still good, loved Alligator Gorge, well thats somewhere bit south of there maybe, went there as kid. Never been to Innaminka, one day mabes 

Re: The Beer Garden

Hi Ms @Former-Member ..penny for your thoughts lol ..hope you are going ok, going to attempt a coffee here, bit flogged out from heat lol.. don't they know cats are nocturnal ??? Cat Tongue

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Re: The Beer Garden

Hi everyone
I'm far behind you all.
Too much has been going on of late, and it keeps on going.
Today I'm massively drained, wondering why the hell I moved to this place!
Must be run down, cracked corners of mouth again.

@Kurra, hope it's not trouble related to celiac?
Sounds familiar.'s a tricky time of year. Everywhere people are becoming less friendly, more tired, Christmas stupid season! ๐Ÿ‘Ž
I told a rude lady Sunday night to mind her own business at supermarket who felt the need to butt into my busy life with 3 kids!
I was not rude about it, & I'd really had enough!

Too all, I've not a lot to share. I feel I've been sick with worries, & just am plodding through all social obligations in a place where sometimes I become the invisible crusader!
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Re: The Beer Garden

The heat will catch you, coupled with fatigue! @TAB.
Not a fun mix!!

Re: The Beer Garden

yeah, was feeling a 'ghostly' few times yest, gave up and went to bed @Former-Member havent had time to read much on here, just read your supermarket post  .. I wish it was easier for you and hope things change for the better soon, can be a hard time of year, hope you can find smiles in there somewhere Smiley Happy

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Re: The Beer Garden

I'm one to carry the load @TAB..just having a depleted day.
When life throws obstacles that don't make clear sense, it's a little more challenging.
Think I need to book orthodontist also. Wires are cutting my cheeks, & stupid wax isn't sticking to prevent it.
I'm just sookie because no one else listens!! Lol