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Re: Tabaluga's

thats scary @SmilingGecko  happened to me years ago, had nothing to put it out with , panicked and turned range hood on, luckily was cheap houso one that just went in one side and out the other into the room  it re- lit fire  and made bigger lol, had black walls for ages.

yeah I keep forgetting to get fire extinguishers and blanket.its a bit scary hey. i forgot stuff on grill

Re: Tabaluga's

I'm sorry that happened to you @TAB yes sounds rather scary. Its definitely worth investing in a fire blanket. What do you do if you call 000 and fireys don't come with all this pandemic stuff and short staffing? To be honest never thought it would happen to me but theres always a first time. Fire blanket worked a treat. I'm looking to invest in a fire extinguisher. Do you know much about them TAB? Read specs on Bunnings that you may need chemical goggles and chemical protective gloves to stop it getting in eyes and on skin. Don't know about cleanup afterwards when you spray. Anyway this happened to a fb friend of mine and he had no fire safety in the unit he lives in. It was a government unit and there was a fire before with the previous tenant!

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, hope you're okay. Feel stressed. Hope it will pick up soon.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

thats no good @Meowmy guess happens at work re stress.

wanted another nap. cat wouldnt move, looked so comfortable, I got up again,  might see whats on tv. 3 hours to drs . rang cardiologists trying to suggest they were missing something, like I was speaking another language . over that. well last time they wanted holter monitor, but only told me at last minute, now not saying that , doesnt it matter anymore ? makes no sense.

might see whats on tv. 2.5hrs to leave to drs think ring first, as sometimes an hours wait towards end of day.

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, hope TV will be good. Hope dr will be helpful. Going for monthly injection after work too


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

prob need 2 fire ext @SmilingGecko  had this conve w someone else on here , maybe you. 1kg no good, lasts like 2secs , 2.5kg not much better

i would prob get 2 blankets keep a bucket of sand in kitchen and 2.5kg dry chemical ext maybe 2 of

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

starting to feel down here @Meowmy  maybe I need an injection lol  cold here.  should chop wood, ok think will

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

okay got 3 big coles bags wood @Meowmy  am stuffed

Re: Tabaluga's

No good @TAB so you live with depression? ❤️  I hope its only transient and doesn't last too long. It may help a bit getting out of the house and seeing that doctor this afternoon. Having human contact and some measure of care can make somewhat of a difference. I'm no stranger to the severity of depression though. Anyway keep me in the loop i'm interested to hear how youre going. We can chat on here if you need. Yes I wondered about sizes of extinguishers, you may be right. Bunnings only sells two sizes. Don't know if you can get any larger. I'm sooo glad I bought the fire blanket when I did. i had a spring clean of the house recently and the fire blanket was right near the fire in the adjacent cupboard. i'm still doing more spring cleaning. May go for a walk now

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

yes , re depression , was kidding tho sort of @SmilingGecko its usually bearable

4.5kg ext common

fire blanket should be on wall 😊