Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
18-01-2016 09:37 AM
18-01-2016 09:37 AM
Hi @Mazarita, thank you, it is nice feeling comfortable enough to speak to you all again, i have missed you all heaps 😞
Please don't be too harsh with yourself, the nicotine and marijuana addictions will take time to beat, you may not quit the first, second or third time, but please persivere, in time you will be able to let go, just allow yourself to go at your own pace, and don't punish yourself if you slip back into bad habbits. we all do, it is part of the human condition.
i know how hard it is to stay off it when things get tough, i get the same problems, i have just changed ways of coping form smoking to something else, still not a healty way to deal with depression or anxiety.
You are doing good getitng out of your flat, to regular appointments and using public transport, you are doing better than me.
Don't stress if you can't walk every day, you are walking a few times a week, that will still help desensitize you. and get you fit 🙂
be proud you are trying @Mazarita,
If plan A or B does no work,
Don't worry,
you still have from C to Z 😄
18-01-2016 09:58 AM
18-01-2016 09:58 AM
@Jacques, thanks so much for your good perspective and especially for looking longer term with the alphabet of plans. I am considering other options for when my psychologist sessions run out in a few weeks. I also have a three week trip to visit mum coming up and I'll have no green while I'm there. That may give me a kick start to staying off it when I get back and it's all around me again. That's really one of the biggest problems I'm finding: it's way too available to me here.
I hope this day and night treats you kindly, @Jacques.
18-01-2016 09:59 AM
18-01-2016 09:59 AM
Although I still struggle with one addiction, it is pretty much under control. There are various schools of thought regarding giving up additions (and I might add that addiction has been called the world's common problem - that is, everyone struggles with some addiction or other/s - i think the trick is to minimise your addictions and find the one/s which are healthiest for you. My only real addiction at the moment is to hot drinks - I drink hot drinks all day long. I am very pleased that I have developed this addiction and manage to pretty much eliminate all other addictions as hot drinks aren't going to hurt me in the slightest [I don't drink many caffeinated hot drinks and I even drink plain hot water sometimes, like the Chinese do) - apart from the hip pocket: tea, coffee, chai latter sachets, milk, caro, herbal teas, the cost of boiling the wate, etc.
the schools of thought on giving up addictions range from cold turkey to all sorts of supported efforts, including patches and plastic inhalers (for smoking). One thing seems likely: you should give up one addiction at a time and it tends to take a concerted 30-day effort. I think replacing the addiction with a harmless activity is probably a good idea (and keeping busy probably gives one less time to engage in an addiction too). a harmless activity could take any form: reading, writing, hot drinks, exercise, home reno, ikebana, whatever. i think i have written this post a bit funny but I hope it helps and, yes, god bless! 🙂
18-01-2016 10:03 AM
18-01-2016 10:03 AM
No problem @Mazarita, you are not the only one going through this, many have come before and many will follow the quitting journey, you say it is too available, i understand, is it possible to replace the Buzz you get with something more mellow, like a bag of lollies or a sugary drink? it may help in the short term, not good for the wast line though 😞
i found sherbert helped me, the tingling sensation, and sucking on a straw, the feeling of smoking without the cigarette, it does work when you are in front of a computer, after a while you don't realise it is not a cigarette. another trick is chewing on a toothpick.
sorry @Mazarita, i am really reaching into my bag of tricks that help me quit. I do hope it helps.
18-01-2016 10:59 AM - edited 18-01-2016 10:59 AM
18-01-2016 10:59 AM - edited 18-01-2016 10:59 AM
Hi all...
Thank you @Former-Member, @PeppiPatty & @Mazarita...
Thankfully I fell asleep soon after I went back to bed! I was able to get up at 5am & go for a run! Maybe getting up & doing something helped!! I'm sorry to hear others are having trouble sleeping...
Hi @Jacques - nice to see you here!
@Mazarita you are doing really well with keeping yourself active & building a routine. It makes me feel good to hear you are enjoying beach walks - I'm living vicariously through you!! Do you ever swim in the ocean? Re. quitting smoking - Remember you have the option of ecigs. It is the only thing that helped my partner quit a 20 year addiction (although he didn't try psychotherapy).
18-01-2016 11:14 AM
18-01-2016 11:14 AM
Hi @Former-Member,
It is nice to see you posting to Anna, how are you? i know you have been struggling of late, i have been reading but worried i would make things worse if i offered my support.
i was so sad to see you so distressed the other night, you deserve a break from the anxiety, when are you going on your holliday?
18-01-2016 11:21 AM
18-01-2016 11:21 AM
Hey @Jacques - you are a wise old/young soul 😄
I agree with @Jacques, @Mazarita remember how far you've actually come 🙂 try not to look at what you 'havent' done yet... I've been so impressed by what you've done already, seeing the psychologist, getting out and about, looking after yourself with the walks and getting more sleep (mostly!). Life is always going to have better days and worse days and what not.
Here listening and caring!
18-01-2016 12:03 PM
18-01-2016 12:03 PM
18-01-2016 12:12 PM - edited 18-01-2016 12:16 PM
18-01-2016 12:12 PM - edited 18-01-2016 12:16 PM
Hi @Jacques,
How am I?? I don't know really... Overall I'm up & down (but by "up" I don't mean mania - I mean 'okay')... I started running again last week & that gives me a sense of achievement & enjoyment that boosts my mood somewhat. Although, if I start comparing my running to other people's running achievements - I begin to feel low.... (& I am unfortunately a master at comparing myself to others - although slowly getting less skillful at it!) I often set myself a goal of how many km's I want to run non-stop & when I'm 1km away from that distance I remember that last 1km of the half marathon I ran in September 2014. Today I wanted to run 4km's non-stop & when I got to about 3km's I thought of the half marathon experience & it nearly made me stop instead of keeping me going. I was momentarily discouraged that I was struggling to run 4km's non-stop when I previously regularly ran 10km's non-stop & a half marathon non-stop just over a year ago. Oh well... I did a lot of charity/fun runs in 2013 & 2014 & it boosted my self esteem. I struggle with self esteem, so I hope I can keep this running regime up (as well as yoga x 2 a week). At the moment my goal is to be able to run a 10km charity/fun run late March. Sorry for blabbering on.....
Holiday? We were going to travel 2 1/2 hours to the Gold Coast to stay with my partner's uncle this week. However, my partner said this morning that we didn't have the money to do that this week. Hopefully soon, as I love the beach & it is extremely therapeutic. The holiday around Australia is probably at least 6 months away. My partner brought an old school bus & has to build the inside of it into a motorhome. It is a very labor intensive job & meanwhile he has to help me & help his mum out with projects around the farm.
What are you up to today @Jacques?
18-01-2016 12:32 PM
18-01-2016 12:32 PM
Yes i know the feeling @Former-Member, my moods shift so much from hour to hour, i never know how i am going to feel, it keeps mum walking on egg shells sometimes as she does not know what reception she will get from me, i try to control my moods as best i can, but sometimes i lose control.
If you like challenges and like compairing, is is possible to set yourself a goal to run to a certain point, then the next day run past that point, or set a time goal, to make it their quicker? i have the same problem of compairing myself to my peers, i see how much of my life i have wassted and how much others have achieved. it makes me feel low that i can't even buy my own clothes, i have to get mum to do it 😞
i am sure you will make your goal of running your marathon, and i hope whatever charity it is for they get help.
Oh my the Goald Coast is beautiful, i used to frequent it a lot in the early 90's, it has probably changed since i was their in 1999, make sure you make the most of the beaches and ocean, it is sad your holliday is so far away, i think it will do you and your partner a lot of good, the change of scenery and all. 🙂
Yes i could imagine it would be a lot of work converting a bus, i have seen a few people around here do it, they look amazing, oone guy has bought an ex greyhound bus and is doing it up.
today i am a bit lazy, feeling a bit all over the place as i am not sleeping well, i was going to sort through some paperwork, but mum's friend came around so i could not do it 😞 i had a panic attack with her here, it always happens when someone comes to the house.
hoping to catch up on some sleep this afternoon, then i am going to do some more reno's tonight.
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Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
Our Mission
To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.