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Re: Good Morning!

the hams abides @TAB

Re: Good Morning!

sounds good @MDT  just double double checking water here by isolating water to house then text result to plumber lol

Re: Good Morning!

How's the weather @TAB
Is it raining? Or is it just a plumbing problem?

Re: Good Morning!

plumbing problem @MDT  bills been huge, thought were other reasons like bill being estimated etc, eventually got plumber yest they couldnt find any leak, but graph on their site has hourly reading and its never zero 

anyway, when their site updates will be able to see yesterdays readings, will see the hour that I turned something off  to try and narrow source of leak down

Re: Good Morning!

I see @TAB

Guess it'll be a matter of time til you figure it out

Re: Good Morning!

well when able to see usage graph from yest, will be one way or other, then inform plumber who informs owner  on course of action etc etc @MDT 

Re: Good Morning!

@BlueBay  Good morning how are you doing today ❤️

Re: Good Morning!

I see @TAB
Makes sense
Hope it works out

Re: Good Morning!

I need to get a life @MDT  have checked so o many times this morning, just want to keeep ball rolling. .drs soon for scan results etc ok plus BP discuss again lol 

Re: Good Morning!

Half of life is figuring out bills and various things like that @TAB

I think it's normal haha