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Re: Good Afternoon - Afternoon Tea

Oh hey mum @Shaz51 how are ya? ---- hey @saltandpepper ,day off today , well kind of 

how was your day 

Re: Good Afternoon - Afternoon Tea

hey shazzo @Shaz51
pork here for dinner
just had a cup of tea
hoping to go bed earlier tonight my friend

Re: Good Afternoon - Afternoon Tea

Oh those kind of days off are a pain @Shaz51 


My day started off nicely, got to spend some time with my son. That was lovely. Rest of the day got a bit poo but I'm going to try to focus on the good part with my boy. He's a champion.

Re: Good Afternoon - Afternoon Tea

@Shaz51 spaghetti and meat balls, boys were over so lots of veg hidden in the balls. Haircut after work so probs takeaway tonight

Re: Good Afternoon - Afternoon Tea


Yesterday was quiet with no Telstra. I did bits and pieces and had a good day. Today looks beautiful outside but I'm about to hang out the washing and I fancy it will be quite cool out there. More deliveries coming today so I will be home most of the day. I'm having a great time in my new "home",in my new town.

I hope you have a good day too. Remember to take the time to look after you. You are a special person.

Re: Good Afternoon - Afternoon Tea

Good afternoon @Shaz51 @MDT @Jayneinpain @SJT63 @saltandpepper and all forumites here! I hope your afternoon is going well!

Late afternoon with coffee and sultana scones for me here in cold Melbourne with knitting of a beanie in the go as we speak. I find knitting beanies comforting and relaxing as I know the pattern off by heart and can spend time creating different colour combinations with the amount of rows I have to knit. It calms me down and the best part is that I get to drop it off to the charity I knit for to give to a deserving recipient to keep their head nice and warm. Win win for everyone involved!


Take care!



Re: Good Afternoon - Afternoon Tea

Hey @Judi9877 @MDT @Jayneinpain @SJT63 @saltandpepper 

Taken a while for me to find my inner child.  Worth it tho.


Waiting for son to return from walk. Keeps saying he wants to have a talk.



I see workplace issues as related to Mental Health. 

I was shocked to read 5 riders have died on the job due to pressure.


Re: Good Afternoon - Afternoon Tea

Re: Good Afternoon - Afternoon Tea

Stopping by for cuppa and cake @Shaz51 @MDT @Appleblossom @Judi9877 @Jayneinpain E258E409-7F6C-4503-B036-BB7A013E2B77.jpeg


Re: Good Afternoon - Afternoon Tea

Looks lovely @Eve7  Sorry I am late, but I was in town cheering on the School Strike for Climate Change.
