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Re: Getting to know you......

So excited to see this as a thread @Former-Member! I enjoy reading the answers too 🙂

Colour? Bright green when I am cheery and dark purple when I'm blue. I wear black every day though.
Song? There's too many to choose from!
Band? REM
Tv show? Grey's Anatomy
Movie? Again too many to pick from!
Book? Matilda
Sport? What's sport?! I'll say curling because I'll never forget seeing it played one Olympics
Month of the year? June and December
Flower? Tall bright gerberas
Pets? Kittens, nearly cats.
Chocolate in a Cadbury's snack block? Caramel
Lolly? Nerds, runts, gobstoppers - pretty much any Wonkas anything
Sandwich filling? Egg and Lettuce
Drink? Coffee
Food? Stone fruits in summer and soups in winter

Re: Getting to know you......

Colour sky blue
Song and band im.not sure it really depends onmy mood
Tv show- GREYS ANATOMY of course and also OUTLANDER they are my absolute faves and cant pick between them

Movie: ummm let me think about that one...
Month of the year. Probably around now as despite the weather being cold the days are often good and sunny
Flower pink rose as it reminds me of my nan
Chocolate i love caramel and also peppermint
Lollies i dont like them but if i really had to pick maybe a choc eclair

Sandwich filling would probably be a fresh bread roll witj freshly made salads
Food-hmmm i like fried rice quite alot but without the prawns

Not applicable

Re: Getting to know you......

Hello @Former-Member this is great  🙂

Colour - Brown
Song - I'll be your lover, Paul Kelly
Band - Neil Young
Tv show - Sex and The City
Movie - Candy
Book - Slash autobiography lol
Sport -
Month of the year - September or the start of Spring
Flower - Cherryblossom
Pets -
Chocolate in a Cadbury's snack block - Black Forest
Lolly - Red Frogs
Sandwich filling - Cheese, mayo and salad
Drink - Tea
Food - Penne Napoli with garlic bread


Re: Getting to know you......

Do you do surfing @Former-Member Smiley Very Happy

Re: Getting to know you......

Colour - Blue or yellow
Song - changes all the time
Band - not a good predictor of whether or not I'll like a song
Tv show - whatever's good at the time
Movie - as above
Book - haven't had a fav book since I was in Year 5
Sport -
 To watch: ice hocky. To play: soccer.
Month of the year - Also September. Stops being too cold, but is still cool enough to do things.
Flower - Snapdragon if I have to pick one. Prefer venus fly traps.
Pets -
50:50 dog:cat
Chocolate in a Cadbury's snack block - well it's not like I'm sharing with anyone else, so all of them. Or realistically, I'll buy a chunky kitkat instead.
Lolly - jersey caramels
Sandwich filling - Ham, cheese, mustard, pickle... or chicken snitzel, cheese, mayo, lettuce, tomato
Drink - Milk w/ milo
Food - Yes

Re: Getting to know you......

Few more get to know you questions

Whats your favourite animal

What colour hair do you have?
Long/medium/short hair?
What eye colour?