Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
14-12-2014 08:44 PM
14-12-2014 08:44 PM
14-12-2014 08:53 PM
14-12-2014 08:53 PM
Sandy, I don't know what you mean. I am too, if you would like a lift give me a call and I will pick you up and take you there.
15-12-2014 10:37 PM
15-12-2014 10:37 PM
I'm actually working Christmas day at this stage. I may as well say it......... I work as a mental health nurse (Div2) and have done since I got this crazy notion that I needed to change jobs in a massive way. It was a totally, off the cuff impulsive decision to toss in my old factory job and try nursing. Maybe I was searching for something to help me understand why I always felt so terrible, however I really fell on my feet with this one and because of the nature of the job (always learning, always striving to be a better nurse) and partly because of the comradery of my colleagues, I've managed to stay in the job 12 years. That's an amazing record for me!!
But lately I feel it all slipping away. I'm scared I'm about to do another chameleon act and dump nursing to try and find that part of me I've never been able to. I'm suffering massive issues with my sense of self lately and that's making me want to pull the pin and go try something else. Part of me knows full well I'll never do better than this, yet the impulsive thing is driving me to self sabottage my career.
Anyway, I digress. Since I'm working Christmas day and then probably up to my sister's place for Christmas tea, I may not get on this forum until quite late, but I will try and drop in to be with you all. I've got hundreds of posts to read through, but you're all feeling like kin already.
16-12-2014 09:33 PM
16-12-2014 09:37 PM
16-12-2014 09:37 PM
19-12-2014 08:44 PM
19-12-2014 08:44 PM
Rick, would I tell a fib ????
21-12-2014 06:48 PM
21-12-2014 06:48 PM
Alessandra1992, I think I will lay back and dream of my early childhood and my numerous cousins, aunts and uncles all together in a tiny little sandstone house in Swansea waiting for the massive feast, then the kids had to clean up and wash the dishes, wonderful memories. Either that or dwell on the here and now and make myself a blithering idiot. No I am going to, I will burst into the forum and spread a little cheer and happiness for all those that come on the air.
the loopy one.
21-12-2014 07:43 PM
21-12-2014 07:43 PM
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Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
Our Mission
To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.
Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
Our Mission
To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
Get In Touch With Us
We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.