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Re: All Things Sport...

Ah ha ha...

You make me laugh @Zoe7. My little dog's right next to me too. Um...I think he's hungry though. lol

I'm grateful for your blessed forgibeness for being a Swans fan. 🙂

I loved my sport. It's gone now, but talking about it brings that competitive rush again. Thanks for joining in Heart

Re: All Things Sport...

I really did make myself laugh too @Hope4me

I'm a Lions supporter so I pretty much have to forgive everyone for the team they follow Smiley LOL

...and it is my pleasure joining in - I started this thread for a reason - so I would have some people to chat with about sport - I do miss it too.

Re: All Things Sport...

Hey @Zoe7
I'm off to cook dinner which should've been an hr ago. lol Lovely on here; quite a change to sitting on my own.
Many tomorrow.

Re: All Things Sport...

Enjoy your dinner @Hope4me Look forward to catching up tomorrow - us winged bugs need to stick together lol

Re: All Things Sport...

@NikNik Sorry your guys lost Nik. I was really hoping they would get through Smiley Sad I was impressed with how well Daly Cherry-Evans spoke after the game and how magnanimous he was in defeat - showed exceptional character and someone every little (and big) Manly supporter can look up to as a positive role model Smiley Very Happy

Re: All Things Sport...

Literally me on the weekend.

Oh well... now I'm hoping parra gets through and wins the GF 🙂 @Zoe7

Re: All Things Sport...

I really did want Manly to win for you @NikNik Smiley Sad I even yelled at the tv a couple of times and thought of you Smiley LOL I was disappointed for you and then we lost also (and Liverpool) - so all in all a pretty terrible weekend for any team I support! At least Parra have another chance - and it was a pretty good game (poor umpiring decisions but for both sides). I'll lend you a parra jersey and happily have you as an 'interim' supporter lol

Thought you might like this... (even though in your new place you can't have any fur babies - you can pretend Smiley LOL)

Re: All Things Sport...

@NikNik lol... gotcha sorted Smiley LOL


Re: All Things Sport...

@Zoe7 Okay - now you've gone too far.... Smiley LOL

Re: All Things Sport...

I really am in trouble - SANE Admin responding is NEVER good @SANE-Admin @NikNik ROFL