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Re: writing as a form of therapy

By the way @Faith-and-Hope  that’s a beautiful piece of poetry. πŸ‘πŸ‘ I do the same. It gets it outside our heads I think.

Baby steps add up, sometimes you get a lot further than you ever imagined. Your light is never dim @Faith-and-Hope , it always shines through. πŸŒ»πŸŒ»πŸŒ»πŸŒ»πŸŒ»πŸ’›πŸ’›

Re: writing as a form of therapy

Thank you @Maggie .... πŸ’œβ£οΈ

When I am not feeling very bright I tend to go quiet πŸ˜”.

The forums are great for that too ..... we can be quietly here.


The poetry posted on this thread speaks to me, even if I am not responsive to it in the moment .....

Re: writing as a form of therapy

no words

Re: writing as a form of therapy

After six months of being unwell, including two hospital stays of one month each I'm now getting back into the writing groove. I'm editing one of my short stories for a writing competition entry. I now have has a few patches of 'feeling good'. It is a bit strange. Feeling  like I'm moving forward a little bit has really helped.


I would like to post a flash fiction piece here. I am concerned that 800 words is too large. It is reflections on my childhood and unstable foundations.




Re: writing as a form of therapy

Hi @WriterMelb πŸ‘‹


That is probably a question for one of our moderators or community managers, in terms of the word count.  I will tag one of them here @Former-Member  although you might not receive an answer until tomorrow, this being the weekend with weekend moderators in residence .....

Re: writing as a form of therapy

Thanks for that. 

Re: writing as a form of therapy

πŸ’œ @Former-Member .....

Re: writing as a form of therapy

Hi @WriterMelb,


I would say go ahead and post the 800 words without waiting for a reply from @Former-Member. There are plenty of posts in this thread going back years that are longer than that. The worst that can happen is a moderator might hold it back from publication. Guessing you have it already on the computer so I imagine it's not like you'd be typing it out here. So if it gets moderated, you won't have lost much in the process of putting it up here.


My guess is that it will be okay. Also, I'm interested to read it. Smiley Happy

Re: writing as a form of therapy

microscopic creatures

in fast expansion

nerves of the world

go into hiding


balcony music

serenades neighbours

time with children

the busy parents


planets are still with us

moon above horizon

sun's meandering dance

through the cosmos


oh mind's eye let us be

with trees valleys mountains

breathing deep and

drinking fresh oxygen

Re: writing as a form of therapy

I loved seeing and hearing the balcony music in Italy @Mazarita . Really beautiful way to connect to their neighbours.