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Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Many people

crossed the river

to seek asylum

from a raging war


Many people

Were close to the sea

to seek safety and shelter

from a raging fire


has the world 

learnt so little

has the world 

given up



Darkest At Noon

The only way I can try to process the devastation of these fires is through writing...


Here is a poem about the day that was darkest at noon...


Darkest at Noon

I stand with my back to the ocean;
I cannot begin to describe such emotion,
Watching my beloved country burn;
As grief, fear and awe chaotically churn.

I stand here humbled, no longer cocky and proud,
The roar of the wind and the flames so loud,
Just watching the raw apocalypse of Nature's power;
It's darkest at noon, and in the smoke and ash we cower.

And as the insatiable fires feed their awful appetite,
I look to the heavens in this unholy unnatural night;
On the beach, huddled, helpless for now, we stand,
Hell on earth come to visit the paradise of our land.

We can do nothing for now but hope to survive,
Later we will count the cost and support those still alive;
There is compassion and strength, grit and determination
In all of us Australians who make up this nation.




Stay safe, good people... much love to the community...

Re: Darkest At Noon

@Silenus  Heartfelt words. Thankyou. I watch helplessly, with pain in my heart for so many.

Stay safe. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

Not applicable

Re: writing as a form of therapy

i always looked up to you

i always thought you would help me get through

you were always there when i needed you

and i thought that ment i was important to you

but now......

i feel like such a clown

you finally let your true colours show through

your just the same as all the rest 

you just wanted what benefitted you 

so now.....

with my heart broken 

i guess we are family no more

Re: writing as a form of therapy

I'm worthless

I'm stupid

I'm a waste of space 


I'm not grateful

I'm horrible 

I'm disgusted by myself


I hate myself 

I hate the world

I should not be alive

I should never have been born


Why did you not abort me

Why keep me and not the others


I'm alive

I'm a survivor

I'm tired

Re: writing as a form of therapy

Yeah, I get it.


Similar for me. I used to play regularly in bands, work and write. Now I struggle to do any of these regularly. From a corporate rooster! Wow look at me! To now being a feather duster.

It sucks.


Now for me it's day by day. Trying to do some do things, something, anything to get a bit of



Re: writing as a form of therapy

Thoughts pouring through my mind as I stare

Wishing the end would finally be here

My mind hides the demons deep inside

I put on my mask and pretend to be fine

To tired, to hurt, to upset to care

For my life is just one big blur


Re: writing as a form of therapy

Ten years today 

was dull and grey 

I voiced my fears 

and out came the tears 


I never knew 

why I was so blue 

and then it came out 

definitely without a doubt 


I couldn't understand 

and begged you to hold my hand

I had so many issues 

I held onto my tissues 


I didn't know who to turn to

I dreamed of being with you 

I was very lost

at a very huge cost 


Ten years has gone by

And I still wonder why 

that time has gone fast 

it's all in the past 


Life is a journey

that no one knows

where it takes you 



Re: writing as a form of therapy

into the abyss

cold wet stones

shiny black surfaces

slippery under my feet


dead burnt trees

rough black surfaces

as far as the eye can see


cool wet railing

rugged silver surfaces

my hands are holding tight


let go, I say, let go

into the abyss

Re: writing as a form of therapy

Hi @Former-Member 

I know that I've checked in with you before when you've posted previously in this thread. That's a very beak (emotional?) landscape that you're describing. I hope that you are ok contemplating the abyss tonight and might just drop you a line to check that you're safe.

Take care