Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
‎17-12-2019 07:50 AM
‎17-12-2019 07:50 AM
This Little Girl 👧
The shadows are here
the pain has not gone
let's hide she says
no one can see you
she hides under her chair
so no one can see
for she is hurt and no one believes
why can't they see
the pain is huge
tbe pain is there
for this little girl
just wants to be me
she's scared she's nine
who does she tell
theres no one at all
Everything's bare
she's screaming and crying
she wants a big hug
but no ones around
so she cries even more
they use her and abuse her
she's only a little girl
how could they she says
and then goes for more
she has no memories of happy times
it's been ripped away by those crimes
yet she still goes on
but wonders why
this little girl is lost
she has lost everything
let's hope one day
she finds her path again
this little girl now is 54
but there's part of her still
not sure what she's looking for
is it happiness, love, letting go
shes just not sure
‎17-12-2019 07:55 AM
‎17-12-2019 07:55 AM
@BlueBay Hugs for little 9. Hugs for little 54. 💛💛💙💙
‎17-12-2019 08:42 AM
‎17-12-2019 08:42 AM
Thanks so much @Maggie xxoo
‎18-12-2019 09:18 AM
‎18-12-2019 09:18 AM
Come on End
Come on end, I've played this game life
I'm playing it still,
but I've been there, I've done that
I'm ready for a new thrill
I've ridden life’s ride
up & down
round & round
it hurts every time it throws you back on the ground
I have this feeling, something else
There's something different
something new, feeling more real
Something not so apparent
I think it could be better
If I’m wrong I still have to change
This ride will always finish
It’s all a part of the game
The End
‎18-12-2019 01:10 PM
‎18-12-2019 01:10 PM
@Maggie... as a writer, I am rarely lost for words...
But that poem! Wow!
Sooooooo relatable... and beautifully written.
For decades, I looked for ever more creative ways to run and hide from my pain, for ever more helping-in-the-short-term-but-harming-in-the-long-term coping mechanisms, for substances that for a time would numb the pain...
And at the end of it all, no matter how far I ran, I was where I had always been... right there, with my self, by myself, facing myself in the mirror...
Healing starts to happen when you actually look in the mirror... I wasn't so good at it for a lot of years... I would look, but then shy away from my own gaze, avert my eyes to avoid looking into my soul...
It was breathtaking ignorance, and I am surprised that I was able to keep it up for so very many years and still survive... but here I am, a 48-year-old bloke who has looked deeply inside himself, not particularly liked some of the things he saw, and is working on trying to make sense of things and make them better...
When we face our pain with our presence, our awareness, focused on it calmly, we are able to look beyond the immediate pain, and delve into the reasons why the pain exists in the first place. An animal in great pain cannot think calmly without the very greatest of focus...
From calmness came peace in my case, and I started to see the very many ways that I had compartmentalised my egoic self, my personality... I imagine most people have a bunch of voices in their heads most of the time... they are our thoughts, these words that swirl around in the firing of our synapses...
I noticed something... I was spending a huge amount of my own energy on fighting myself... I would have thoughts and counter-thoughts warring against each other all the time, and bipolar is definitely no help in this regards... hahaha...
This added to the noise, and stopped me being able to calmly look at why I was in so much pain... once there was an inner silence, a truce of sorts for a while, I could work in partnership with a therapist to start the long process of peeling the onion layers of my life back, to reveal where all the pent-up tears of my inner child were coming from...
It was tough going... therapy often is... but it started me on a much healthier path, which I continue to tread to this day... and it was all made possible only when I stopped running away from my pain...
I hope you don't mind my ramblings... your poem was amazing, and it really sparked some firings in my synapses... much love and respect...
‎18-12-2019 01:18 PM
‎18-12-2019 01:18 PM
@Ralph... your words touched me deeply, Ralph... mate, I know a small bit about how damn heartless the system is, from my own wrangling with them refusing to recognise bipolar as a disability...
I hope you get all the help that you need to live the best life possible moving forward... in my heart, that is the kind of society that we should be living in... I tire of the circling wolves and their awful appetites...
Sending you hugs and happy vibes in amongst it all...
‎18-12-2019 01:23 PM - edited ‎18-12-2019 01:24 PM
‎18-12-2019 01:23 PM - edited ‎18-12-2019 01:24 PM
Hi @Meowmy ... the fires remain calmer for the time being... thank you so much for your kindness...
For the first time in over a month, I saw proper blue sky... I went outside at night to look for stars, but the smoke had closed in during the evening, so I could not see them...
But I imagined them in all their grandeur, for even when the smoke or clouds are in the way they are still there, waiting to be admired and wondered at...
May your days and nights be filled with calmness and peace... the stars are twinkling for us, even during the day... much love and respect...
‎18-12-2019 01:28 PM
‎18-12-2019 01:28 PM
@BlueBay... sending your inner child gentle healing vibes...
So beautifully written...
‎18-12-2019 01:30 PM
‎18-12-2019 01:30 PM
Thanks so much @Silenus
it's straight from my broken heart 💔
‎18-12-2019 01:32 PM
‎18-12-2019 01:32 PM
Wow, @Exoplanet ! Love it!
It's one heck of a ride alright, and the game is always interesting, especially when we level up...
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Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
Our Mission
To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.