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Re: The safe room- somewhere to just come and sit.... offload... feel supported

I’ve been struggling with hyper arousal and  acute anxiety for weeks and had to call lifeline and beyondblue for the first time ever in the middle of last night. I slept 3.45 am to 9.15 which is only 5 1/2 hours. Today I’m taking it easy and am limiting

my activities to one outing to the dog obedience class with my 7 month puppy at 13.30. After that I’m going to come home to rest and watch tv. Tomorrow I may go to a plant nursery as gardening gives me pleasure. On Monday I’ll do some homework and also get some chores done . Each day moving forward I’ll try to do a meditation in the morning and a reflection exercise of an evening.  Planning for the next three days and living one day at a time is all I can manage atm. How do others manage emotional storms like this?

Re: The safe room- somewhere to just come and sit.... offload... feel supported

@Eve7  I can’t withhold visits with the ex or he will no doubt take it to court, which could end worse- the family court system is very screwed up. I told child protection and the police who he is, but as I didn’t have enough evidence they didn’t care. I have to trust that when she’s not in my hands, she is in Gods hands and he will protect her- hard though. 

Re: The safe room- somewhere to just come and sit.... offload... feel supported

Hey @Shaz51  🙂

@ChelseaFox04  that all sounds like a good plan in taking gentle care of your self over the next couple of days. Lots of rest and planning to do things that help you manage is good- sometimes I struggle to do that. 

Glad you were able to reach out to the helplines.

Re: The safe room- somewhere to just come and sit.... offload... feel supported

That is very difficult for you @Bow  Anyone I’ve known who went through the family Court has spent thousands only to see the ex ignore the orders anyway. It is, by far, the worst institution in this country with the only winners being the lawyers.’

I think God will be your strength in this matter.

Much love 💖 🤗🙏🤗💖

Re: The safe room- somewhere to just come and sit.... offload... feel supported

That’s exactly right @Eve7 ! It needs a massive overhaul and even then, there will be people that will screw the system and others. It is what it is I guess. 

Im desperately waiting for an appointment to see a psychologist so I can start processing all of this. 


Re: The safe room- somewhere to just come and sit.... offload... feel supported

I hope your appointment comes soon @Bow  and you get an understanding Psychologist.


Re: The safe room- somewhere to just come and sit.... offload... feel supported

I hope you get an understanding and compassionate psychologist too @Bow 

That's half the battle I've found through my recent experience. I wish you all the best with this.



Re: The safe room- somewhere to just come and sit.... offload... feel supported

@Maggie He got 4th in his tennis tournament yesterday just missing out on 3rd as even though they both got 30 points overall the other child won 2 out of 3 games and Mr 8 only won 1 out of 3games 


Re: The safe room- somewhere to just come and sit.... offload... feel supported

@Former-Member  Congratulations to Mr 8. Coming 4th is really good. 🏅🏅


I hope it’s a rest day today, or doing something pleasant for you. Leaving a coffee in case you need one. 💕💕


@Lostandalone @WIP @Eve7 @Bow  Leaving a fresh brew for when your day starts. 💕💕💕💕💕

Re: The safe room- somewhere to just come and sit.... offload... feel supported

Thank you @Maggie I hope today has some kindness in it for you.
