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Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'

@CheerBear Thank you, it has we have just had dinner not long ago.

I am almost ready for bed myself.
Naw it won't hurt leaving them.

We can be short little penguins 🐧 together😉
Tomorrow will be fine regarding hair...
I used to be bleach blonde it's dark now but i like it better as lower maintenance & less expense. My hair was severly damaged at one point, since i have been dark it has finally grown again! 😆Yay! 🙃

Are you a hairdresser if you don't mind me asking?

I hope you rest up ♥️

Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'

Woohoo for hair that grew back @Former-Member! My hair is in a style that can take severely damaged (that sounds bad haha). It probably works better the more brittle it is really! If it totally destroyed it I wouldn't mind too much if I had to shave it off and let it grow back. It would only take a couple of months maybe.

I'm not a hairdresser and the totally damaged call above probably gives that one away 😆. I was studying (will return one day) and haven't worked in paid employment for a long time.

Penguins rock 🐧🐧💗

Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'


Bleaching works better on "undamaged hair"
Bleaching on damaged just makes you bald 😂

Yeah i would probably cry lol i have had a few Britney Spears meltdowns the last few years almost at that level of ripping my hair out or doung something drastic..

Naw did study get too much? I was the same for a while too much at once can make things worse and chaotic when raising kiddies aswell as trying to look after everything.

I haven't slept my stomach is bloated and i look like i am three months preggie i started a low carb diet so it could be why..

Bread and carbs just make me feel yuck :nauseated_face:

Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'

P.S Gooooo Penguins 🙏💕☺️

Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'

Morning Village ☺

Hiya @Former-Member 👋☺ Hope you slept ok last night. That sounds uncomfortable with the bloating.

I giggled at the beach bald comment - sound advice! Although I do embrace my Britney and my hair definitely reflects that 😆

I really enjoyed studying and found it gave me distraction and focus that really helped me get by. I also felt like it was my ticket to a better life. For some reason it didn't really ever get too much, though now I think about it I wonder how that was the case. I had to leave it when things went so belly-up a year/year and a half ago and now it feels like it would be too much for a few reasons. It's what I'm working on though, in a painfully slow, up and down, wonky way.

Things can get very chaotic with little people in the mix, for sure!

Any plans today? I forgot whether it's a work day for you today?

Hope you and your little have a good one 💗


Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'

Hi @CheerBear

Goodmorning. I couldn't sleep as had bloatinf and was crampy. It has gone down though the smorning.


I hope you can get back into study when you are ready to. What were you studying?

I am working today i am heading off now, looks busy in the salon. I think it's mostly body treatments today and massages.

I miss waxing!

Looks overcast here so i am hoping it isn't going to rain as my daughter is going on a ferry adventure.

Hope you have a good day and hope everyone else does too 💐💗

Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'

Glad it's gone down for you today @Former-Member. I was wondering if you may do something like that for work. I hear resort, massage, beach, now ferry in your posts and imagine you live somewhere pretty special!

I was studying social work in a wonky/round about way. I need to work on non-virtual viallge building (and brain settling) to get there again I think, but that's a big challenge for lots of reasons. One day hopefully.

Lucky little person wirh the ferry! Hope the rain stays away and she has a good day 💗

Wishing you the best for the day ahead too 😊

Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'

Hi @CheerBear

Social work would be interesting. I hope you pursue it one day in the future and live your dreams.

The rain has today which is good. The salon was busy. Yeah lol regarding place it has it's ups and downs i guess like every but it is a beautiful spot.

I couldn't believe the words that came out of my daughters mouth earlier when i spoke to her on the phone she basically told me to be careful on the road 😹☺️💗

Hope you really did have a good day

Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'

Thanks @Former-Member. One day I will get back there again.

Nothing like an important lesson/warning dished out from a little person 😊 She sounds amazing!

Hope work was ok and you're not too tired tonight (or that you get some down time if you are).

Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'


I hope you do. When you are ready.

Yeah she's pretty amazing. Work was good 💜