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Re: Something important about recovery

be well 🙂

Re: Something important about recovery

Hi @MDT 

Thanks for writing this. It resonates with me a lot. 

In the past I have cared too much about what others think as well due to insecurity. 

Recently, I was told to find work and stop using my mum and daughter as excuses. I was hurt but theres also been fear/lack of confidence underneath it all and I have found work starting in the next few weeks. 

I heard on SAS last night when one of the main guys said fear is fuel and I thought about that and I think thats what I have had to overcome in my situation because either way whether I work or I don't - I feel I'm missing out and I also worry about my mum who is ill and have felt the burden of looking after for the past 2 years only to be told to not worry about it. 

I am excited and a little scared about this new job but I know that the experiences I will have will be ok, may be uncomfortable but I will be ok because I've done it all before. 

I think you are right about life is life and its all experiences after all and how you see them can shift and change as you move forward.  

Re: Something important about recovery

You're so right @pinklollipop15 . Fear IS fuel. It is so powerful. It has the power to paralyse, yet also the power to make us fight for what we believe in.


Fear is in all of us. It is about how we use it.


@pinklollipop15 , good luck with your new job. Use fear to help you power on; not to hold you back. You know you know your job - now you can shine 😀



Re: Something important about recovery

Thanks @tyme 

Time will tell.. its not the destination its the journey as they say and I think every experience can teach you something no matter negative or positive its all a learning curve. 

Hope you have a great night!

Re: Something important about recovery

Indeed @pinklollipop15 .


Thank you for your incredible insight.



Re: Something important about recovery


Good luck with your new job. It is great that you are excited and believe you are going to be ok because you have done it before, even if you know it is a little scary and uncomfortable.


I have given up on working. I have failed at it too many times. It takes so much confidence to get out there and look for work, do interviews & start in a new workplace - which I have done too many times. People keep trying to tell me that I can do it, but I have no confidence and can't even think about looking for work without crying.

Re: Something important about recovery

@CrazyChick ,


I'm sorry it feels so hard in this area. EVERYBODY has strengths. Your strengths are not the same as mine, and vice versa. 


In the workforce, it's about finding someone who can appreciate you and your strengths. It is a highlight that you are a community guide. This role is not for everyone. From what I've seen on the forums, you have incredible peer support skills which can be nurtured and fostered. Who knows? Perhaps you will one day go into peer work?


Food for thought. What do you think?

