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Something important about recovery

There are many things I've learned about myself and recovery in general terms over the years of mental health issues I have had


Maybe one of the most important is the reality that your experience (both positive and negative) is just one among many. This isn't to say that other people's experience is more important than mine or that mine is important than theirs. 


What I am saying is that in the end, my experience is about the only thing I know the most about. Only I can be the one to determine lessons and important fundamental truths about myself from it. 


I have for many years cared too heavily about what others think. This was based on an insecurity. 


I cared too heavily about things that ultimately DO NOT MATTER. This was based on an outdated model of belief in religion. 


I have recently got to the point after many experiences where I know think I value experience above all things. I have realised that I spent most of my 20s being too cautious and risk averse. I have realised that this was largely motivated by fear of things going wrong. 


Part of my recovery journey has taught me that hurdles from the past that were never traversed could have been traversed. But I did not possess the social wherewithal at that time to see HOW those barriers could be traversed. 


I sit there scrolling LinkedIn and ask myself all sorts of questions only to be depressed by the end result. But then a small modicum of hope comes through and sometimes that is the small light you need to carry on. 


In my resignation letter from my old job that I left because it wasn't for me - I said that here's to more twists in the road and lessons going forward. 


I guess in the end it is what it is. 


Life is life


Re: Something important about recovery


Life is life. You be you.


(Simplistic, sure, but what else can you do?)

Re: Something important about recovery

thats true @StuF

also you could write it as a rhyme

Life is Life. You be you
Its simplistic sure,
but what else can you do?

Youre a poet and you didn't even know it StuF

Re: Something important about recovery

Haha @MDT 


Hope it didn't come across as too dismissive

Re: Something important about recovery

Nah it didn't @StuF
It was good 🙂

Re: Something important about recovery

Seems like your growing and learning @MDT good stuff

Re: Something important about recovery

Trying to yeah @Former-Member
Learning? Not sure? Growing? I can see that yeah. Becoming more cynical maybe. Nowhere near as naive as I was. But then perhaps my naivety was informed by anxiety?

Re: Something important about recovery

Nah seems to me your getting wiser Rome wasn’t built in a day @MDT 

Re: Something important about recovery

True @Former-Member
I heard once that Rome wasn't built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour

In other words - the small steps hey?

Peace to you my dude

Re: Something important about recovery

Love it @MDT ! What a great analogy. Yes, it IS the small steps.