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Re: Sleeping too much

Thanks Teej & faith-and-hope ๐Ÿฅ Hope you had a good day today too.

Re: Sleeping too much

Lookin' for ya @Former-Member



You okay ?

๐Ÿ’š or ๐ŸŒต ?

What's happenin' ?

Re: Sleeping too much

Aw - Dat's da way I like it - uh huh - uh-huh - I like it

Super like - love


Re: Sleeping too much

Hope ya doing ok @Former-Member

Like it @Faith-and-Hope

One day I will be able to post pics easily .. I did make myself do it a few times on the forum .. but it doesnt come naturally .. stresses me out big time.




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Re: Sleeping too much

Hi Everyone, Missed ya,

I've been Laid up with another cold this week & sleeping a lot. Also watching my online time as getting close to my monthly data limit - only 2days left though.

Love the puppy cat picture @Faith-and-Hope, thanks for that. My dog has the same colouring as that dog. Not much of a cat person though - allergic big time. Cats don't know it though, they always want to smooch up to my legs. Can't touch them or I'd become puffy, wheezy & drippy for the rest of the day . Nearly freaked our last week when a church friends cat jumped up on my lap ๐Ÿ˜ฒ I threw my hands in the air & cried "get it off" - bit embarrassing but gave them a laugh ๐Ÿ˜•. Poor putty tat.

Rang my son tonight, he's fine, enjoying life without study. Says he feels like a 'grown-up' now. His partner has started representing clients in court without supervision this month which she loves (fledgling solicitor 1st yr). So proud of them both, looking fwd to Tim's Grad next month. Oh, he did IT (web development).

Re: Sleeping too much

Hiya @Former-Member

Sorry to hear you have been laid up with a nasty cold ......

Your turn for Lemon and Honey Tea โฃ  I shared one in the coffee corner earlier today ๐Ÿ˜Š


So thrilled that your Claypot (name correct ?) got represented in the image I posted ...... funniest part about that is I am a real cat person ๐Ÿ˜†  At least you can share cuddles with a virtual cat ........ this forum has so many advantages like that ...... โฃ


Great to hear that your kids (son + partner) are doing so well ....... and yes, we are now all looking forward to his graduation, and your make-over plans, too ๐Ÿ˜Š


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Re: Sleeping too much

Thanks @Faith-and-Hope,

ClayPAN is our dogs name. He's curled up by my feet atm, with his little red jacket on, he's the Same size as a cat.

My mother's cat has playfully caused a nasty leg ulcer for the 3rd time this last year, needs antibiotics & the nurse coming to dress it. She still won't get rid if him. Pesky cat. Keeps mum going i guess.

Need to sleep soon.
Blessings ๐Ÿ˜ด

Re: Sleeping too much

Goodnight to you and Claypan @Former-Member ๐Ÿ˜˜

Re: Sleeping too much

Night @Former-Member

It is a big deal they are going professional and graduating and all that. 

I just had to do the salt water bath thing on my cats. We prevented an ulcer forming. 3 times in a year.  I have only had one other ulcer on one cat about 8 years ago and mine are getting onto 14.

Take care of the cold

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Re: Sleeping too much

๐Ÿ˜Ÿ just woke reliving the Hospital Emergency ward the night my girl died. What do you call that anyway, a dream? a nightmare? a flashback? And why?? What's the purpose in reliving it all anyway? DOESN'T CHANGE ANYTHING!!! Makes me soooooooo angry, & scared, & lost & sad & alone. Now i'm crying. This sucks!

And how selfish am I acting all wounded when this happened to my girl? on my watch? Wish it would go away.

Guess i should get up, light a candle for my girl. Don't wannna be awake today.

Thanks saneforums for being here to talk to right now, kinda helps process it in some way, having to put it in words. Haven't had that before when it comes, attacks me like this, here on my own, in the throws of it. The stupid pointless tidal wave of debris...

Have to come back later to catch up on all your posts.