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Physical exercise

PTSD:- I have found physical exercise has improved myself well-being. I'm focused on my training and it gives me a place to go to. I'm still worried that at my age 60+ that I'm not going to do the physical stuff any more. I need to just focus on today what can I do today to help myself.


Re: Physical exercise

Hi @David29 


I'm glad it's helped you...And honestly exercise has been a lifesaver for my mental health. I exercise every morning (I'm 53) and have been doing this since I was in my 20s. Rain, hail or shine, I walk, cycle, or do whatever to get my heart rate up. There's so much research to show exercise is good for our mental health that I'm hoping to never stop. My mum is in her 70s and a bit of a gym fanatic so I need to keep up with her too lol. 

Re: Physical exercise

Hey @David29 !

I completely agree with you! Exercise has helped my mental health in so many ways. Not only does it help me feel better about myself in general, but it also allows me to not think so much as I am focussing on what I am doing/ what I am listening to etc. 

I'm glad that it has helped you too 🙂 

What is your favourite form of exercise that you do? 


Take care,


Re: Physical exercise

@amber22 my exercise is boxing. Box fit. It's very physical 

Re: Physical exercise

@David29 Wow that sounds great! I've never given boxing a go, but have heard amazing things! 🙂 

Re: Physical exercise

One day a a time- good on you for putting no more pressure on yourself than only what you can do. It’s been a helpful reminder for me to stay in the moment and for me to not start a spiral of thoughts that start me ruminating. I can leave that right where it is. Thank you.

Re: Physical exercise
