Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
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30 Dec 2020 07:25 PM
30 Dec 2020 07:25 PM
@Former-Member ,
I've been an owner of two different treadmills. Both were good, but guess what? I hated using them. I thought buying a better one would entice me to use it... no, it didn't.
I prefer walking in the fresh air for two hrs rather than use a treadmill for even 10 mins. I also tried watching you tube while on it, but it didn't make the experience any better.
Also, I noticed that a treadmill uses different muscles in the leg than walking outdoors. So really, perhaps it comes down to whether you want to exercise the muscles needed for walking outside or the muscles on a treadmill. Treadmills are used a lot in rehab due to it strengthening certain muscles after hip/knee surgery.
31 Dec 2020 12:31 AM
31 Dec 2020 12:31 AM
31 Dec 2020 02:46 AM
31 Dec 2020 02:46 AM
Sorry , no idea
31 Dec 2020 09:16 AM
31 Dec 2020 09:16 AM
REBEL have a good one ON SALE atm. It's just such a lot of money. And their so heavy (90 - 130kg) to manage myself.
- will I use it?
- will I get sick of tripping over it?
- willi I / can I 'put up' with it being a main feature in my tiny loungeroom? - it will literally have to replace the 6' lounge. Spoil appearances.
- will using it daily get me out of he dulldrums and tone up?
- am I just too far gone?
- will I regret? And unable to offload?
I donno. Maybe im dreaming again...
😟 don't know what to do
decisions... decisions...,
31 Dec 2020 10:29 AM
31 Dec 2020 10:29 AM
Hey @Former-Member Do you have somewhere you can hire one to see how you go with it first. Then you are not locked into the price and can see if you would use it enough to get one down the track.
31 Dec 2020 04:44 PM
31 Dec 2020 04:44 PM
Sorry @Former-Member , no treadmill here ❤
I had some weights and hand weight but they are gone in the fire
@Zoe7 , @Peri , @BPDSurvivor
31 Dec 2020 04:46 PM
31 Dec 2020 04:50 PM
31 Dec 2020 04:50 PM
I used to walk on the spot in front of a tv shows , like walking for half an hour
at a time ❤❤
31 Dec 2020 08:59 PM
31 Dec 2020 08:59 PM
@Zoe7 @Shaz51 @Adge @Peri @MoonGal @BPDSurvivor & all...
I did it, I bought the treadmill thats on sale (1st one above) for 1300. The put it in the car and my friend was in town with her hubby and they came back, helped me get it out the car (weighs 89kg) AND stuck around nearly 2hrs helped me set it up. Just as well 'cause I didn't have the right tools. So, wow, I'm feeling really spoilt this week, by friends. 😇 Angels. Now to use the thing, evey day.
31 Dec 2020 09:01 PM
31 Dec 2020 09:01 PM
Well done you @Former-Member Do we need to do daily check ins with you now to see if you are using it? lol
Great to run into those friends too Hon - there are some good people in this world
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Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
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Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.
Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
Our Mission
To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.