Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
17-04-2021 11:48 AM
17-04-2021 11:48 AM
Hi everyone,
I was diagnosed with an eating disorder (ED) at around age 28, 2 years ago. I have a larger body, so I have received so much blame and shame in my medical care. I actually enjoyed using telehealth phone services during Covid, because I felt doctors could actually listen to my symptoms. In person, the usual response from GPs is to take one look. tell me it's because of my weight, and my shitty decisions caused my weight, therefore I need to stop making shitty decisions.
I've been discriminated against with regard to my mental health. In one particularly traumatising experience, I confronted a GP about providing me with the wrong Medicare items, and after arguing with me, he told me he could schedule me under the Mental Health Care Act. I told him at the time what an unacceptable response that was. Then, I reported him to the medical practice and the HCCC, but he denied ever making this comment and that was good enough for them. This was at a time when the medical practice had recorded a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder on my records, even though I do not have, nor have ever been diagnosed or assessed for, Bipolar. I had asked to change the records twice, to no avail. I have other mental health issues, but that experience shook me to the core, and made me wonder how people living with Bipolar experience doctors.
After a lot of persistence, I finally found a GP with an interest in eating disorders and mental health. I get emotional even writing about her, tears are welling. On our first meeting, she listened and actually apologised for how GPs have treated me, and told me that is not how medical care should be. Yesterday, I was dreading telling her that I have had a relapse with the ED. I actually broke down in tears and said, "I really didn't want to tell you. I thought you would tell me how many bad decisions I am making." She said she did not think that all, just that she had to review my supports because I need help. I was able to tell her, "it can feel so bad to be in my body and mind sometimes, with the trauma and the grief I am dealing with, that I will make any decision to numb it, no matter how dumb that decision seems and how much it will bite me later." It has been the first time a GP has wanted to know why this is happening. I am crying now thinking about it. I told her yesterday, "this is the first time I've felt safe with a GP."
It was the first time too, I felt like I deserved better with my health issues. I found myself apologising for not dealing with a rash or "neglecting" this or that, and she actually really just said, "it's OK, you're doing the best you can." I had all kinds of physical issues I felt I just didn't deserve help with because all I ever hear is how I make shitty decisions for my health. I have lived with a lot of discomfort and pain, thinking I deserve it. Like, this is just the outcome of making such shitty decisions. But, yeah she has made me think differently. She empathised with how it feels, the symptoms of these issues, and said I should feel better. I am completely ugly crying right now.
Anyway, the point is it is so hard to shake the belief that this ED is my personal choice. I have been receiving care for 2 yrs and even started participating in advocacy work, but it's still a work in progress to chip away at this belief. Often I still think, "this is a lie you're telling yourself so you can be lazy and self indulgent. You don't have an ED, stop being so ridiculous." Especially in relapse, I just lecture myself about "all the excuses I make." And, I guess, usually when I see a GP, this is reinforced by an authority figure. The last GP I saw before my current one, when I disclosed my ED, she said, "but have you tried exercise?" So, this is a big ship to steer. In my advocacy work, I recently learned 1 in 4 people in the broader Aust community believe EDs are a "lifestyle choice."
It was intense being with my new GP yesterday and receiving compassion. The truth is, I am pretty armoured up these days. I expect to be misunderstood and, in fact, reviled. I found myself in her room, just feeling this mixture of emotions and my armour just slipping down, and it felt a bit scary, actually quite scary. But, yeah, I think we deserve care, we deserve to not be in pain or discomfort, we deserve to be listened to. Just because we have a mental illness, doesn't mean we deserve pain. I hope some of you out there have come to this conclusion as well, because I know medical services can really fuck with you. ❤️
17-04-2021 05:59 PM
17-04-2021 05:59 PM
Firstly well done very brave to share your story. So happy to hear you're linked in with a good GP. They are like gold!
Have an Ed diagnosis too. Can wholeheartedly relate to the feelin or voices trying to say you don't have an Ed. Its one of the cruelest parts of the mental effect. The idea that it's not as bad as it seems, or others are doing it worse. The constant (yet futile) comparisons. We are all on our own unique journey and yes we all deserve to be heard, understood and given adequate care xx
17-04-2021 06:07 PM
17-04-2021 06:07 PM
Well done @M_P90 , don't ever give up on yourself. I find it very hard to see a GP and I have seen a new one now about 5 times. She is very professional, nice, but doesn't say one word more than necessary, and I feel rushed. But at least she doesn't make me feel like I have two heads and a waste of space.
Be kind to yourself, it has taken I suspect a lot of years to get where you are at present and you will need to take the time to feel whole again. Slow and steady and you will get there.m
Take care 🌺 🌻
17-04-2021 07:22 PM
17-04-2021 07:22 PM
Hi @M_P90 thank you for sharing some of your story. I can relate to a lot of what you have shared. Ed's are a very specialised area and a lot of gp's and mental health professionals know very little about it, which is a shame because it actually affects so many people, a lot of go undiagnosed and untreated.
I am 38 and have recently been diagnosed with OSFED atypical anorexia. I developed eating issues late last year as something that I could control when everything in my life was out of control and falling apart. I am thankful that my psychologist that I had just started seeing at the time knew that what I was doing with food was not normal and flagged it. Unfortunately my gp and another gp in the clicnic that I was attending had no idea what to do and just printed out a blank mental health referral and told me to go home and google someone. A couple of days after seeing the second gp hoping for a better response I ended up in hospital with complications of my Ed and was very sick.
I have since found a new gp who understands and has done so much work in getting me diagnosed properly by a professor in Ed's, seeing a psychiatrist, a new psychologist... not sure she is a right fit yet, so still a work in progress there and a great dietitian.
It's all early days for me and life is hard.
I believe a lot of the problems that I faced in getting proper help for my Ed lays in the fact that I am not underweight, but I have lost and continue to lose weight. Had my gp asked some simple questions and ran some bloods she would of seen how very sick I was. Ed's don't discriminate. I have been listening to some good podcasts to try and understand myself better and am learning a lot.
I haven't told many friends at all about mine, in fact 2 friends know and they don't know the extent at which this monster inside me is destroying me. I too blame myself for where I find myself now. I started controlling and restricting, I was warned by my then psychologist that it was a very slippery slope and I still continued to do it. Once it took hold, everything else just fell apart around me, sh and si are a constant struggle.
I am glad you have supports around you. Hello @Former-Member @HopefulWarrior too
17-04-2021 08:30 PM
17-04-2021 08:30 PM
@Bow @M_P90 @HopefulWarrior wishing you all well on your ED journey.
take care 🌹❤️
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Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
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To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.
Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
Our Mission
To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.