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Re: Ditching the Ciggers

Hi @TAB,

i just want to applaud you for giving cigarettes the boot.

It has to be one of the hardest things I ever did in my life, but definitely the most rewarding. You’ll be breathing a lot easier soon and your food will taste better too.

I just wanted to share my experience if it could help you a bit at this difficult time. 

I found I needed to replace one habit with another initially & turned to my favourite flavoured lollipops to suck on when cravings arised.

Sounds silly but it worked for me 😉

Never give up, trying to give up!!

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

aww thankyou @Former-Member ..I actually gave up for 13 years before taking it up again ok for longer than I did the first time. Thanks. its day 2 but going to do whatever it takes. 

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

wow @Former-Member Well Done ! re post on other thread yeah had to do cold turkey, I can cut back for hrs or a day but it always went back up 

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

Just wanted to say well done @TAB for quitting the smokes. I quit for good in 2013 after having a puff here and there on friend's ciggies for years. I basically quit when smoking areas in psych wards became a thing of the past. Sort of strange really as I only started smoking after my second admission back in 2007 so it made sense to me to quit when you could no longer smoke in hospital. I went cold turkey without patches or gum and despite being really not a nice person to be around for about 2 weeks, I never lit up again.

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

well done @Queenie and thanks. I remember taking pouch of rollies to friend in psych ward .Am doing patches this time, Im really badly addicted I think. was really heavy smoker. ok past tense. no pressure lol 

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

Puffers only good for a day @TAB looks like cold turkey for me

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

I'm laying off the piss for a bit so that will help @TAB

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

I'm laying off the booze for a bit so that will help ay @TAB

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

yeah they looked really dear @Bill16 dunno yeah think patches using havent got much left in them well been carrying em around for years now lol am getting bit jittery will be ok going to get fresh ones tomorrow

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

definitely @Bill16 i think I might try it on friday dunno re grog