Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
23-01-2016 03:17 PM
23-01-2016 03:17 PM
I have a decision to make in the next couple of weeks about whether to continue seeing my current psychologist or try someone new for my next 10 sessions on a 'Mental Health Care Plan'. The aim of seeing a psychologist at this time is primarily to help me quit smoking (both tobacco and green) but also to assist with the life issues that give rise to these addictions.
Here are the main reasons I am considering continuing on with current psychologist:
Here are the main reasons I am considering a new psychologist:
Any thoughts?
23-01-2016 04:21 PM
23-01-2016 04:21 PM
@Mazarita thank you - you have inspired me - i was putting off going for that volunteer job because i was going to offer myself up for two days a week (and i usually try to be loyal and stick it out) and i was worried that they will be horrid to me and i will cry and run out and catch the bus home and eat ice cream all night and not go back (as is my habit these days). instead i will offer myself up half a day a week. thank you. that is a good idea.
re your psychologist: i have some ideas you might not have thought of - what about seeing both of the counsellors concurrently or planning on returning to the first psychologist after the ten sessions. i have been planning the latter course of action with my counsellor/s. With no rights and not enough work, blabbing on at counsellors and other support people passes fine for a social life, i find. :)0
23-01-2016 04:39 PM
23-01-2016 04:39 PM
Great to know we are inspiring each other with the volunteering, @Terry! Your post also did give me a good giggle with the humorous way you write. I only get the choice of one addiction psychologist at a time (medicare factors), so I will have to make a decision either way on this one, for now at least. But I know what you mean about therapists passing for a social life. It's been a bit like that for me too over recent months as I have had a psychiatrist, psychologist, support worker and support group happening all at once, as well as this forum. I am blessed too though with some other people in my life now and I even have the motivation (at least some of the time) to step out of the front door and engage with them. I've been gradually picking myself up over the past several months from a state where I had barely been leaving the flat for about seven years. This forum was actually what got the ball rolling on it all. Hope you have something interesting happening today, or at the very least some especially delicious icecream.
23-01-2016 04:41 PM
23-01-2016 04:41 PM
@Mazarita thanks for the 'like'! you can't tell these counsellors and support people too much because they write it all down and the next thing you know you're tied up in solitary ! 😞 (that happened to me once, sort of)
also, if you're having a bad day, fellow sufferers are usually the only people you want to see - everyone else thinks it's hysterical when we're having a bad day. 'father forgive them, for they know not what they do'. i know 'SHUT UP ABOUT GOD, TERRY'. nup!
that said, SOMEHOW i made it through and a lot of it was hair-raising. sorry, if a miracle hadn't happened to me i would be able to hold a sane and rational conversation but it's too late for that.
here's a joke anyway:
how many normal people does it take to change a lightbulb? answer: four - one to check if the lightbulb really is broken; one to accuse the lightbulb of breaking on purpose; one to get everyone to stand back in case the light bulb blows up, and one to douse the lightbulb in water with the hose.
i wrote that joke: funny/not funny? 🙂
23-01-2016 04:54 PM
23-01-2016 04:54 PM
Haha, you gotta give me more time to reply to you after I 'like' things, @Terry. I'm a slow poke when it comes to writing. Perfectionist streak a mile wide that means I don't want to post unless it's really what I mean to say, in the best words I can find, etc. Just another of my little 'pathologies', hehe. Your latest joke, didn't have me laughing to be honest. I prefer your off-the-cuff wryness as part of the general flow of your writing. If you want to just generally chat more, we can go back to the Night Shift if you like, which was started for chatting about anything at all. I really would like to keep this thread on topic as much as possible so that others respond to my initial post. Seeya later aligator.
24-01-2016 07:42 AM
24-01-2016 07:42 AM
@Mazarita Thank you! Bless you! yes, i think it's great to count one's blessings all day every day (not that i actually do that - i am usually too busy being angry at the australian culture, normal people, my life of potential and endless possibilities, my miracle of healing that i usually take for granted most of the time now, the sunshine, the restaurants, the pool, cheap second-hand clothes, dvd's, all my friends who tolerate me, an endless procession of support workers to keep me amused and occupied, work as-and-if i want it, excellent good health, the health of my loved ones, my planned holiday, my planned study, the new star wars movie, chocolate [white, milk AND dark], good reading material [from overseas, mostly], etc, etc). Things couldn't be better and i'm amazed that i manage to wreck my day with resentment and self-indulgent bad temper quite often.
that said, i don't think that when people are in crisis they can *necessarily* count their blessings - all manners of miracles are possible, but if i spot someone in crisis i hope i reach out to them.
mornin' all. nice morning here where i am x 🙂
ps. the UN is fighting for our rights! We're going to get rights and will *officially* get help soon instead of the current blurgy system where you have to fight for and find your own help whilst coping with the mental health system - it's going to happen in my lifetime, i'm sure, and then i will run for president of australia and my first sitting act will be to make fairy floss free! (sorry - raving!) 🙂
24-01-2016 05:40 PM
24-01-2016 05:40 PM
@Mazarita yep, I am thinking all the time.Now I must switch to a seious person and off my little bit.
!. Sack your Psychologist.
2. See a good G.P.
3. Get a referal to a GOOD psychatrist.
4. If that is not appropriate have a good talk with you doctor and get him to give some medication to help fight the need for Mr. Evil Green.
You will need more that words to help in you quest.
You sound to me like a strong person but your will to quit needs a helping hand.
Don't be afraid to ask help, if you don't ask you will not get that which you need.
I will send you some of my internal strenghth, yep I stil have some, stupid isn't it I have heaps to give away but none for my use. I really am a D.H..
virtual hugs for strenght.
The looped one
24-01-2016 08:08 PM
24-01-2016 08:08 PM
24-01-2016 09:05 PM
24-01-2016 09:05 PM
Thanks for the replies. I am on mobile and find it hard to post that way. Will respond later. Thanks again.
24-01-2016 10:58 PM
24-01-2016 10:58 PM
@Loopy, thanks for the hug and internal strength. Both are welcome! If DH means what I think it does, I already know you are not that even just from early encounters here on the forum. I think it may often be the case that we may be able to help others when we can't always help ourselves. I'm listening if you feel like talking at more length about what's going on for you.
I have a GP I've been seeing for about 7-8 years and I am satisfied with her treatment of me over this time. I will be seeing her next week and do intend to talk to her about this decision. I'm also satisfied with my psychiatrist who I've been seeing every 4 weeks for about 8 or 9 months. I respect him, find his thoughts valuable and his approach to medication for me effective (as far as meds can be effective). It's really only the psychologist I'm uncertain about. I hear you on sacking him.
@Former-Member, glad to get your perspective too on this. You have had more experience than me with psychologists and, as we mentioned the other night, we may have some similar issues with finding it difficult to really open up deep down and trust in these situations. I'm hearing what you're saying about needing to develop comfortable rapport to be able to do that.
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Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
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To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.
Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
Our Mission
To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.