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Re: no sleep all year

@PlantLover  I was asking  you too my ' I tagged you 😀👋

You have physical problems too ' hope you feel better soon 

Am here for you 

Re: no sleep all year

Thanks @Shaz51

Are you doing okay at the moment?

Re: no sleep all year

Hi @EternalFlower,
I just wanted to add, the 'Insight Timer' app. Sarah Blondin is so caressing to the mind and her voice lulls me to the parasympathetic state which induces relax and sleep. She calls me 'Dear One' .There is so much helpful advice on here. So many lovely members.

Re: no sleep all year

i'm sorry i suck at using this space, i was scared by the tagging and felt i would stuff it up!

but here i am!


insight timer, what is it exactly? ive had it recommended to me by a few ppl on helplines.... would love to hear ur thoughts

sending big hugs to all.

Re: no sleep all year

Hi there

Just popping back

Still sleepless, did see a sleep specialist which has confirmed and validated mh concerns...

It's scary as I'm feeling like a weirdo 

Ie why can't I sleep....what's wrong with me? 

Re: no sleep all year

Hi all

I'm really grateful for u all for welcoming me when I came here! 

I still hate my bedroom but can see I have moved from where I was at...

I take an anti psychotic now which was mentioned here as helpful for sleep, somehow I ended up being prescribed it in the Ed once when I was suicidal...and it was helpful, so I kept taking it.

I have a psychiatrist and did a sleep study.


The sleep study said that I'm in  weird place between sleep and awake at night, wirh a very active mind, when I should be resting

I have been upset about this.

This is what I felt,  that even when I do get sleep, it's not really sleep, I don't get that calm benefit and experience panic even when asleep

I feel unsafe in my messy apartment wirh little privacy and i feel like mentally at rest time my mind is like old school flight mode, running from a perceived tiger...

Hope Ur all OK 

Re: no sleep all year

hello @EternalFlower@Dark_Olena@PlantLover@Surfer37@Otter 

how are you going today , we are here for you 

Re: no sleep all year

I totally get it. Sleeps such a natural thing why can’t I just sleep?

Re: no sleep all year

Sorry you are struggling. Insomnia and anxiety are a horrible mix. Hope you are getting some sleep

Re: no sleep all year

Dear @Lola2000 ,


I hear you on this! I was an insomniac for years! Yes, sleep in natural, but I had to re-learn to sleep. 


After stressful events in my life, I would lie awake in bed day after day after day. The more I wanted to sleep, the less sleep i got. My MH deteriorated to the point where I was barely functioning. 


In the end, a cocktail of meds knocked me out (not the best way). By having these meds at a particular time each evening, I began developing a sleep routine. This went on for years. After, my meds were reduced, then changed so I no longer had the 'knock-out' effect. But I was determined to make this work. I had PRN meds in case I couldn't sleep for days on end, but really, my body was much better trained. 


Now, I have maintenance meds which do somewhat aid sleeping, but doesn't knock me out. All in all, my sleep is much better. During some stressful periods, I might need a prn med, but I certainly do not rely on it.


If sleep routines and sleep hygiene hasn't helped, and your sleepless nights are affecting your functioning, I would encourage you to seek medical advice.


Otherwise, maybe some specific sleep strategies can help such as not having caffeine after a certain time, reducing blue light etc.


All the best,
