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Re: Dark Skies

Hi @Wanderer 

Meds are definitely a double edged sword thats for sure! There was recently a topic tuesday held that discussed managing side effects of meds, you might be interested, i couldnt take part in that one but read through some of it... It can be found here

How have you last few days been?

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Re: Dark Skies

Hi @Wanderer Sorry that more people havent tried to connect with you yet... It can take a while to find our feet on the forums so to speak.
I am not sure about medication either, Unfortunately, like you, much of my difficulties with life have been situational problems and memories etc that dont go away when you pop a pill.. however at times they have given me enough space to be able to get out of the darkest places of depression to be able to keep plodding through all the problems...There are some types of medications though that i will ever take again as they are just awful and cause more problems than they solve.. however we are all different and have different needs so each person has to find what works best for them and their situations/needs.
Take care and keep wandering around the forums, join in anywhere, many forum people often stick to a few 'home threads' but are happy to welcome people in so feel free to jump in anywhere 🙂
Take care
Senior Contributor

Re: Dark Skies

Hi Wanderer I dont have physical pain like you but I have a mental illness which is currently being treated with medications. I just wanted to reassure you not to give up. It has taken me years for the right diagnosis and then months for the correct medications which are still being reassesed but I am much better than what I was even a month ago :). 

I read that you have written an epic. That is fantastic. Are you looking to have it published? it is a fabulous achievement to be able to write a book. I am always in awe of people that can. 

Anyway wanted to say hi and wish you a wonderful day. Take care greenpea

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Re: Dark Skies

Hey man,

sorry to hear about all of the shit you been through but you sound like a tough bloke who will get through it.

The pain you are feeling now is only temporary, it does get better. I'm not someone who experiences chronic pain so I wouldn't know anything about that but what I do know is that, atleast mentally, you will get better. This, invariably, will help with your pain as well you tough old bastard.

Keen to read this book when it's out, about the wanderer and his scribe.

Re: Dark Skies

hello @Wanderer 

I have Chronic kidney disease stage 4 and Arthritis

Hi @Former-Member, @greenpea, @Owlunar

Senior Contributor

Re: Dark Skies

@Wanderer Hi Wanderer your avatar reminds me of a game I used to play and love Diablo (the original that is). I was totally hooked playing it. Must be twenty years ago now such a good game. I hope your farm sells quickly for you. greenpea

Senior Contributor

Re: Dark Skies

@Wanderer 🙂 Yes I would drop my small children at school race home and play the game. Here was this grown woman addicted to Diablo .... I played all the characters and killed Diablo lol. Beautifully drawn and the music was so atmospheric. Far better than Warcraft IMHO :). ps: glad I made you laugh.

Re: Dark Skies

Hey @Wanderer Good to see you chatting on the forum.

Wow! You are a prolific writer!

It must be very hard to give up the farm as an income and way of life.

I hope there are improvements once things are sorted out and your living situation matches your physical needs more.

I have had chronic back and neck pain.  Its tough. 

Re fitting into the forum, take your time, use your instincts.  

Many people are happy for newbies to join in on different threads. Its also great to start topics.  

Community Guide

Re: Dark Skies

@Wanderer, @greenpea , I did private childcare for 25 years played lots of games

and then when I married , I have 4 step children which i loved and won a few games ha ha

Re: Dark Skies

@Shaz51 Smiley Wink so I am not so weird after all.