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Why such poor resources

I wa recently tried to get an appointment with a psychiatrist in Canberra and Queanbeyan. I was told that maybe in 6 months as the doctors triage their own patient's. I was recommended a Sydney Dr and got an appointment in 3 week's. I know the public service clinics do there best but they don't have time to get really involved.


Re: Why such poor resources

Unfortunately to see a public system psychiatrist in the community can be very difficult unless you are already in the 'system' (eg. you've been hospitalised or referred by another service as urgent). I was told I'd have to find a private psychiatrist and although he bulk bills, I had to wait a number of months for an appointment even then. 3 weeks is pretty quick even in the private sector in my area (and I live in a capital city). 

Re: Why such poor resources

@DoinOk That sure is a very long wait. Don't they understand that people need help today and not 6 months down the track?
This week I went back and got another referral to go back to my psychologist and when went to make an appointment was horrified that I had to wait 6 weeks to see her, but 6 months is ridiculous. I am lucky she had a cancellation and could go in 2 days time. I also think the fees are excessive - I paid $220 for a hour and you don't get that much back with insurance.
Hope you get to see someone decent soon.
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Re: Why such poor resources

Hi @DoinOk - Finding a public psychiatrist, particularly in smaller cities/towns/regional areas can be extremely difficult. I am glad to hear that you're able to travel up to Sydney for this appointment. I'm wondering if getting on a cancellation list would be an option, in case they can fit you in earlier?

Re: Why such poor resources

@Sydphotog $220 for a psychologist is ridiculous. I am extremely grateful that I am currently seeing my psychologist under victims of crime (which means it is fully funded). I have been told that this funding will be ongoing, but even if it stops, my psychologist bulk-bills, which means it will be $84 / session. We are not an ideal match at all, but as someone on the disability pension, I can't afford to be too choosy.

I could never justify spending $220/hour on a psychologist. I really don't know how they can sleep at night charging such absurd amounts. I super hate how the whole world seems to revolve around money. Smiley Sad