Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
11-01-2015 09:16 PM
11-01-2015 09:16 PM
I think @BatGuano has hit the nail square like on the noggin.
As he said Charity is a Hebrew interpretation of Love. They basically mean the same conccept.
With that in mind there is an old folk saying. Often confusedly attributed to the bible, but it's not in there,
Charity begins at home.
Love begins at home.
Self love begins with the self.
I don't believe that love is an emotion or can even be effected by emotion. Over the years I have come to understand more as a force.
It is independant of humanity. Animals are able to project love. This is obvious in primates, dogs, cats, elephants are very domonstrative. And if we accept that love is a force even animals are subject to then it is a force that we as an intelligent species of ape, also may experience love.
Love of the self covers so much ground. It's most basic and rudimentary form is the need to take care of ourselves, simply so we remain alive.
From my observations and my own experience it is intrinsic. We are born into it.
Show yourself some old fashioed charity. As it always begins at home (within the self) we can have that level of self care and then we can move onwards to show charity to others.
It starts though at home.
Hope like Love is a force that is independent of circumstances and that is why
Hope endures
26-01-2015 09:56 PM
26-01-2015 09:56 PM
27-01-2015 11:17 AM
27-01-2015 11:17 AM
Hi Slybaby, it sounds like you are feeling overwhelmed with the start of the uni year. Starting something new or stepping into new environments can be very challenging and overwhelming when you don't know what to expect. Have you had an opportunity to look into what support services are available on campus or through the faculty? I have seen in previous posts that @kato @peace @kenny66 @kristin @Rick @BatGuano have shared some great strategies and tips on how they have dealt with challenging situations.
Think back to a time in the past when you have felt overwhelmed and you have used a strategy that has been helpful, is this something you could use this time.
Is there anyone on the Forum who has some useful tips on how Slybaby can navigate uni life?
27-01-2015 07:18 PM
27-01-2015 07:18 PM
Hi slybaby, i too struggle with fear, i find myself getting all worked up over small things and big things, i was talking with my psychologist about it the other day, and she told me to question the thought, and then when you have an answer, if there is still fear from what your answer was, then question that thought, eventually, you come to the reason, of the fear and can address it better,
I would like to ask you what you are fearing with Uni?
you don't have to answer, if you do not wish
hope this can help 🙂
27-01-2015 09:12 PM
27-01-2015 09:12 PM
28-01-2015 08:40 AM
28-01-2015 08:40 AM
08-02-2015 03:14 AM
08-02-2015 03:14 AM
09-02-2015 10:42 AM
09-02-2015 10:42 AM
13-02-2015 04:40 PM
13-02-2015 04:40 PM
I have the same problem and it cripples my day to day life I feel I am at a stage of life that I am smart enough and have the support mechanisms in place to start and try and become social but day to day life is full of anxiety and depression.
Its good to know someone else out there has the same difficulty and is trying to do something about it.
I hope this post helps.
16-02-2015 08:56 PM
16-02-2015 08:56 PM
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Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
Our Mission
To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.