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Re: Taking the plunge

Ooooh yummo! But 😏 for the mess @Maggie. If only kitchens cleaned themselves hey.

I am painting a stone. One I got from the garden store ages ago and didn't paint. So far it's looking OK 🤞 I'm really happy I pulled out the paint again. It feels good 😊 Big and Little are having a pj day and Middle is on a video call with a group of friends so it's unusually chill here 👍

Re: Taking the plunge

Oh @CheerBear .👍👍 Enjoy this teeny break. Looking forward to seeing, if you share later,


I had a sympathy smile reading Middle is doing a permanent 👍👍👍 Its a tough time.

Anyway. Enjoy your colour.

My kitchen is missing......again. 😂😂😂

Re: Taking the plunge

Morning @Maggie and anyone who might come by.

How did your afternoon go yesterday? Did you find your kitchen or is it in hiding for a bit longer?

I dotted and watched some tv with a couple of crew. It was a really nice afternoon/evening. Awful dreams again so I called it quits on sleep and have decided to start the day.

Leaving 🌈

Re: Taking the plunge

Sorry you had another bad night of nightmares @CheerBear 

I found my kitchen, it really is good at hide and seek. 😂😂😂


Are you happy with the dotting you did? Will there be a show and tell?


I watched Babe in the afternoon. It’s a lovely movie. 

My fur baby has been up and down since 2 am. She’s a monster sometimes. 😍😍


Is today looking like yesterday for you? I have no idea how today will turn out, but it will happen, not stopping it.

Thanks for the 🌈

Re: Taking the plunge

I can relate to the hiding kitchen @Maggie. I spend way too much time looking for ours 😆 Do you have much room in yours? I'm guessing it might be quite small. Small kitchens hide well 😑

I'm happy with my stones especially considering it's been ages since I pulled out the dotting tools. I was shaky and wonky and had to remember what I was doing but they are colourful and I enjoyed doing them. I think I'd do a lot more if I had a mold. Maybe that could be my mother's day gift from the kids 🤔 I've just put a coat of varnish on. When it dries and when the light comes I'll show and tell 🙂

Babe is SO beautiful 💜🐷 One of my faves. My crew don't like it because it makes them sad but every now and then I can convince them to put it on.

Naughty Miss ❤🐶 Monster is the nickname we have for Rocket (who's real name is Molly 🤫).

I have a bit/a lot of planning to do today for school this week. With one not able to write, I'll have to think of another way to do school work. They're also scheduled for conferences with teachers each day plus we have my gig and an appt for Middle to work around this week, so planning is very needed. I'll do some more dotting if I can though. It felt good yesterday.

What about you? Any crafty or colour do you think?

Re: Taking the plunge

Just popping in to say a quiet good morning to you both (and everyone here too)
@CheerBear @Maggie 💞🌻

Re: Taking the plunge

My kitchen it small, but compact @CheerBear , a U shape. Plenty of bench space, a plus and a not plus. Lots of bench to mess and then clean.


I think your Mother’s Day gift idea is excellent 👍👍. Moulds are lovely shapes, and so smooth. I hope it happens. 🤞🤞


I’m looking forward to seeing what you achieved yesterday. Good on you. I know it’s really hard finding some ‘ you’ time.

Love the name ‘ Molly’. My girl is nicknamed ‘ Monster’. She’s so bossy. I wouldn’t have it any other way though.


It looks like a busy day ahead for you of planning etc. Then a busy week. It’s tough, really tough.


I might do some tree freeing if it’s fine today. I’m really struggling to find colour these days. I looked at rock pictures yesterday, but couldn’t get the colour to move from my head to my hands. I also tries  X stitch , but a few stitches and zip.


I’m heading for a second, can I make you one? 🌈



Re: Taking the plunge

Morning @outlander. It's really nice to see you ❤ How are you going this morning?


Re: Taking the plunge

Hi @outlander . Nice to see you. I follow your thread but have nothing worthwhile to say. You are always in my thoughts though. Take care where you can. 💜💜💕💕

Re: Taking the plunge

I just took some pics (in the annoying artificial light) @Maggie. I'll put them in a corner down ⬇️ in a moment.

I get the plus and not plus of a small kitchen. Ours is mini so I need to keep it tidy which is good and not good. Bench space is helpful (but not haha).

I love your little Monster. Love that she's cheeky and bossy and that it's come from trust and love ❤ Our Monster decided to help me get all my craft out yesterday by scaling up my back and on to my shoulders while I was on a tall step ladder, then launching on to the highest shelf (50cm ish from the ceiling) in the house. Then not getting down on her own :face_with_rolling_eyes:😆 I am shredded now haha.

I'm sorry you're struggling to find colour. It's hard when go-to's don't feel so good. It's like something nice is dangling out of reach almost in a teasing way, for me I guess. Sometimes looking at pics is all the crafty colour I can manage.

I picked up some x stitch threads (I can't remember the right word for them) for sister in law to be yesterday. She wanted to try as an isolation craft but they sold out of cloth and hoops. I have some so so put together a little starter pack including the thread to do the little pic she wants to try. Other sib is coming to look after Little for Middle's appt this week (sib who lives here is not so reliable or helpful these days :face_with_rolling_eyes:) and will be able to give it to her. Long story short - I thought of you while I was sifting through colourful thread.

How's your sib? Do you have just the one? (Sorry if I have asked but forgotten)