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Re: Struggling to be

Hi @Aonaran thank you for your best wishes.
I'm still reeling over the fact that it is 2016. I am truly gladvl to be alive. And it seems like the first time in well maybe forever. Well no not really but certainly over 10 years.
I wish you peace

Re: Struggling to be

Hiya @PeppiPatty best of the New Year to you. Don't worry about the ego manics st the reunion. Everyone is trying to out do each other. .
I am findinding it hard to write these days. I love to read. But when I write I also think who is gonna care.
Anyway I am doing well and relatively stable.
I wish you peace xx

Re: Struggling to be

Wow, get on the phone to Lifeline (13 11 14) and keep calling them until you feel better and start to get some hope and direction.  And you're not a failure - all people fail at times but nobody is 'a failure'!  You sound like a very nice person, in fact!  God bless you and help you.

Re: Struggling to be


I love your term "sock moment" I am often like that too. 

I also often wander into a room and then wonder why I went there etc ...

Time seems to be getting faster for me too  ... speeding along ...

I also relate to being uneasy about my space being invaded, and just posted on another thread about how jittery I get when it happens repeatedly and at close quarters.

@Ellie I hope you get through the issue with paying the expenses and cleaning up after the dog. yet my interpretation of the incident is that it is a good reflection on your relationship with that friend.  When she was desperately trying to find a place for her pet, her responsilbiilty, she went to you, and even though she obviously did the wrong thing by breaking in, she must have figured you would understand.  To me that means you must be one hell of a lady ... it was a mark of her respect and trust in you.

When we are down and out and on the fringes of society ... there are lots of others around too ... I hope it all works out for dog, apartment, friend and YOU.  cheers Apple


Re: Struggling to be

@Aonaran - thanks for the wishes, hope the year is as good as it can be.

Re: Struggling to be

Dear @peace

It's so great to see you..fellow Western Australier. Yes, Im in one of my major depression modes......last week, my home was clean and I was power mongul of getting things done. These last few days...I can barely get out of bed. 

Lets say hi to each other ......

Re: Struggling to be

Found you @Appleblossom

Good comment @Terry

Good to see you @MoonGal

Re: Struggling to be

Hi @Aonaran

Thanks for the wishes! Hope 2016 is a great year that builds on the lessons learned from the years before. Smiley Happy


Re: Struggling to be

Dear @Elly


How are you? How are you coping with your friend's dog?

Good for you for talking about your anxiety online re; the dog and that your friend did what she could to be safe but you still felt anxious and 'off kilter.' 

Please take heed of what @Aonaran writes....brilliant comment;

I can really relate to that feeling of one's "space" being part of one's self-image, and being thrown right off-kilter when it's intruded upon -- even when the intrusion wasn't malicious.


He writes it really well

Thinking about you @Elly from PP

Re: Struggling to be

Thanks Appleblossum.

Yes, she was in a bad way and is now on some good medication which has calmed her a lot. We're still good friends and I know she's a stayer. She recovers from friendship hiccups quickly and doesn't hold a grudge, so that why I can'tr see our friendships dissolving in a hurry. I've forgiven her over the incident, although I still haven't found thinsg such as my TV remote, a sentimental wooden rule and several other things including my favourite paring implement, made from and old bread  and butter one and shaped like a stiletto. I had to buy another one yesterday and although it's ok, it not like the one I was used to and had had for around 30 years. My father actually made it when I was a kid 😞

Anyway, onwards and upwards they say. My new meds are also working well at present and I also feel quite calmed. Time will tell though I suppose. I do have BPD, so it might be that I'm still recovering from my recent forced inpatient stay.

Kind regards to all,
