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My trauma

My trauma is still running my mind and I want some help and advice on how to shut trauma down in the moment I get a little break when I sleep but I have to wake up a prepare to fight for my recovery 


Re: My trauma

@Evie1 I'm sorry your trauma still affects you greatly. You deserve every break you get. You deserve recovery.

I carry a fluffy toy ( currently a small soccer ball on a key chain) with me to ground me during flashbacks and anxiety. Squeezing it reminds me of the present and focuses my thoughts. Have you ever thought of carrying something with you for grounding (I've had various items over the years and find it help)

We may never be the person we were before our trauma but we can learn to live with with out new selves in time hopefully.

Re: My trauma

@Evie1 what are your current strategies.

Have you spoken to 1800respect before. They have been great to me.
Not applicable

Re: My trauma

Hey @Evie1 some forum members mentioned Tara Brach the other day who has the RAIN approach for a really quick go-to in a trauma response. A few members may have other ideas too. You're not alone and we are all here to listen Heart How are you travelling today?

Re: My trauma

Think I'm ok

Not applicable

Re: My trauma

Here are some things you can do to help your emotional and physical wellbeing.

Go for a walk, join an exercise group or download an app for yoga or light fitness. When we have experienced trauma, we release adrenaline and are often in a state of hyperarousal. Expending this energy is vital so get moving even when all you may feel like is curling up under your doona.

Practice clearing your mind and being present during everyday tasks. Slow your thinking down and connect with your breath and senses while focusing your attention without judgement. This can help you become more at peace with your thoughts and feelings and manage them in a positive way ultimately reducing levels of stress and anxiety.

The hardest thing to come to terms with is the loss of the relationship that was and all that came with it. Develop an open and curious mindset that can create a place of acceptance for what is happening. Try to focus on a positive future knowing that we as human beings are designed to thrive and survive even in the harshest of circumstances. You too will live through this moment and with the right support and mindset learn to thrive again.

Reach out to trained, skilled, emphatic and professional volunteers waiting to support you and help you through this moment. And talk to others about what has happened or continuing to happen.

Avoid the ‘what if, if only’ ruminating thinking. Remind yourself that you have not failed. Recognise imagining how different things could be, stops you integrating the finality and reality of what has happened and the loss you are experiencing. Be compassionate with yourself, regretting what you could have said or done had you known what was going to happen is unhelpful and is emotionally guilting yourself. And don't compare yourself with others.

It is natural to want to avoid places and people that trigger painful emotion. Spend time with ANY nurturing connections you have. Avoiding life and love will only make the pain stronger. Put it aside for moments and be around others to remind you that life does and will continue. A new normal will emerge.

Re: My trauma

Hi Evie

my ptsd was brought on by a nasty spell in hospital. a perforated small bowel with added crohns. Took 2yrs and a  change of psych to diagnose Plus a new medication

in the main I cope i also talk to my pschologist once a week whom I trust and i have trust issues.

Took me 3 month in hsopital to put on the 25kgs i lost and another 3months of Intravenous medications to throw off the feeling of hoplessness a Full year to feel human again.18 mnths all up

my meds kkeep me stable i still fell like crap, things can and do stil trigger me. I do my best to avoid these things but its not easy.

i know some folks feel meds arent everything and onlty there to suppress and not move forward. I have done CBT and mindfullness. Still do have read a clair weeks book ,not easy but i have a beter under standing of my anxiety

WE are suffering from PTSD by degree add in depression and trust issues it feels insurmountable. My mates dont get it, never will. I do exist well day to day but have to be on my guard to a limited degree. but loud noises and the like. These reality medicla shows are off limits. i get triggered. i get flash anger a real ripper if someone is in the way. Knowing this.well all of these helps. its a 24hr things am up at the middle of the night and i shouldnt be, fatigue always gets me.

What we need is balance and understanding, yes these are hard to get. My psych believes in me and for now thats all i have

Knowledge is power and being kind to onesself however that takes place for you