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Community Elder

My Ndis nightmare!

Hey folks,


Just dropping in to tell you all about the latest Ndis fiasco to hit me. I was funded for support coordination and met with my support coordinator once and nothing since. No referrals, no assessments just empty promises. Iโ€™ve been emailing and emailing and nothing. She doesnโ€™t have a phone number I could contact her on. Today I phone head office out of frustration and was told she doesnโ€™t even work there anymore and hasnโ€™t for some time.


I am beyond ropeable! My case was dropped and not taken up with anyone else, despite signing a service agreement eight weeks ago. Freaking gutted and not happy at all!!!


I will be complaining to the NDIA about this! Whoโ€™ll listen Iโ€™m not sure but Iโ€™m disgusted!


Re: My Ndis nightmare!

Hey @Queenie ๐Ÿ™‚ Good to see you!

Big grrr for you and your NDIS nightmare. I'd be seriously peeved by that too. A good support coordinator is so important. A not so good one can really make it hard. A disappearing one - far out ๐Ÿ˜‘:face_with_rolling_eyes:

The NDIS and almost everything about it is a mess for me too ๐Ÿ™ I don't really post about it anymore as it's done and is doing my head in. One day I hope it all gets sorted out for all of us who struggle with it.