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I don't really speak about my trauma

I talk to people about the symptoms of my schizoaffective disorder if they are interested. I practically have a routine that I have memorised. But what I hardly talk about is my trauma, the reasons why many things affect me the way they do. When someone asks what the voices say, I dance around giving a direct answer, or when I get asked about the kinds of intrusive thoughts I get, I will say that I get messed up ideas, but I won't elaborate. It is a regular occurrence where I will seemingly randomly start swearing to myself, and when my housemate or friends ask what the problem is, I will say, "Nah, I am fine, nothing to worry about." Maybe it is because I think people don't want to hear me go on about that sort of thing. Or perhaps I am always trying to avoid it that even talking about it is too painful. 



Re: I don't really speak about my trauma

Are you fine?  Is there some worry you would like to share?


I am more than happy to listen @BlueTrane 

Re: I don't really speak about my trauma

I get messed up thoughts pop in my head. Almost every situation I am in fill me with dread, grief and guilt. I am Catholic, and I have been made aware that I am not sinning by having these thoughts. But they haunt me.

Re: I don't really speak about my trauma

Hi @BlueTrane , it sounds like it has been a scary and diffcult time for you managing your thoughts and feelings of guilt, grief and dread. I'm wondering if you have any professional supports you can lean on?


Heart from cloudcore

Re: I don't really speak about my trauma

yes I have a psych and therapist and the NDIS support are starting to help heal.


Re: I don't really speak about my trauma


Good Luck with it. It seems to be an art, to able to communicate about psychological injury in a helpful way.  Glad your supports are helping.  Some people over use the labels in casual conversations.  many psychotherapists are not that interested in the labels but at getting at underlying causes and enabling improvement in life outcomes.

Tale Care

Re: I don't really speak about my trauma

Hi you are really strong it is a real personal thing I have arfter 57 years and I am really struggling to bring up my trauma every body must try and deal it the best way can when you need to talk there is a lot of help out the thinking about you Peter126