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Re: A long rave

Hey @PeppiPatty
I manage okay. I try to get balance in all aspects. Particularly private life and friendships.
I find tuning out from a lot of mass media helps. Also just read g what I like and limiting social media.
At the moment I am trying to focus on what I gotta do to get sorted out.
Thanks for the tag.

Re: A long rave

@MDT @Kuu @outlander @Mazarita @TAB@Sans911@Sophia1

Hi All,,,,, of course Apple..... 

@Appleblossom ..... Thanks for your nighty night @Appleblossom


You sound like me a little @MDT but I'm Trying to get into reading some info on lines to kickstart my next piece of Art. 


I def. want to read Chaim Potok again..... 

Your so right on the 24/7 mass media stuff ......

14718788_10154620742423252_8513557761592096482_n.jpg So I feel every day is a bit of an overwhelming struggle for me....... 

Dear @outlander How are you? I am good...... It's lovely to get that message for you xxx


I'm ok....... I think my brain is tired and I want something to change like that meaningful insight I want but will never get unless I get stronger in myself.......  



Re: A long rave

I can relate very much to with everyday being an overwhelming struggle. Had abit of meltdown myself tonight. So i guess that also answers how i am.

What are you trying to do for you next art project? I really like your paintings when your able to do them. I think your abit crafty too.....

You are stronger than you think you are y'know ive known you for a while and have read abit of your story and the challanges you face. You doubt your abilities to do things but i believe youll succed in whatever you put your mind to. We all have our limits though and thats something we need to try and accept which isnt easy at all, i guess it is about prioritising what is important right now and have some goals to work towards.
You also have plenty of insight though theres always the ability to expand on those areas etc youve helped me as well as my other friends gain more insight to my caring roles and be able to progress further and accept some of my own limits too. What are the changes youd like to make?

Re: A long rave

My darling Apple : @Appleblossom you wrote one a while ago about @Loopy  ....... I can’t remember what was written but have been thinking a lot about my old friend ....... 


i dont have 5 minds just 5 minds trying to fit into one I’m still a little distressed about bit studying but I  needed to choose ; Mr Buddha or a University degree 

Re: A long rave

Dearest @outlander

to blooming take my own medicine and write that timetable this week and get artwork started. Dearest  @outlander I think you have adult children or teenager children ..... now that mine are managing their own lives I want to organise my own life better. Iv only got 10 years till 60 and want to make it good. 

I bought this book iv wanted for years ‘ Barefoot Investor’ by Scott Pape ; I’m reading it and already hooked, 




thank you for caring for me @outlander and @Appleblossom @Mazarita @MDT @Kuu


everything back you 

lets twist again like we did last summer x



Re: A long rave

Hi lovely
No, ive got no kids. Im only 21 so no teenagers here! @PeppiPatty
Oragnising your own life better sounds good-did you have some areas for improvement in mind and some ideas on how to do it?

I havent heard of that book but im really glad you are enjoying it

Re: A long rave

my dear @outlander


This is why I'm fond of you.....your 21 and you have a refreshing attitude to life .....

I've always thought that having a very good budget is a good key to happiness. The book is about having a good budget and having good spending habits.


I remember you now....... 

You were working at a place with a difficult boss?? 



Re: A long rave

Ive never been called refreshing before @PeppiPatty im not sure i have a refreshing attitude...

Im pretty good with my budgeting but i can be abit of a splurger too depending on my moods..

I was indeed however i dont work there now. I have a few clients who run through me but private rather than through my old boss. But i only work there every second day. Im more focussing on pop and my own physical/mental/emotional wellbeing for now. Need to get my life back on track too.

You are up rather late, are you having trouble sleeping?

Re: A long rave

I am going beddy-bye......Mr Buddha is snoring away and I'm going sleep with his awful music going...... yucky..... 

So Ill play this.......old people's music and sneakily turn his off ...tee hee hee !!


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>


lol night @outlander I'm glad you are doing something else but still making money.....on your own terms too 

Re: A long rave

Yeah im still carer for pop but just have a little job on the side @PeppiPatty

Goodnight i hope you sleep well xoxo