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Re: A long rave

You still around @Mazarita

Re: A long rave

hugs @Mazarita Heart, it is a bit cool here today my scotirish sister and windy , don`t think mr shaz wants to move today xx

I have 2 more new appts now

Not applicable

Re: A long rave

Hey @The-red-centaur It sounds really scary to be in that space. As @CheerBear mentioned, it might be useful to talk to somebody you trust about what you're experiencing. It doesn't feel like it right now, but the doctors and nurses are there to help and you've done so well to reach out and connect with some support for now. Take care of yourself today🌻

Re: A long rave

Hi @Teej, missed your post earlier.  Now at my friend's place. How are you going today? ox

Re: A long rave

Hi everyone 👋💕

My notifications went a bit weird this morning and I couldn’t respond directly.  Have just finished classes for the day, so when I get home I will go back through and find the communications I missed.

@Teej @CheerBear @Exoplanet @eth @Shaz51 @frog .... anyone else around ....

Re: A long rave

I can't remember who replied to me sorry.

I may be a bit absent or different from the forums for a bit. I'm really confused at what's real. I'm really scared.
Not applicable

Re: A long rave

It sounds like things are feeling really scary right now, @The-red-centaur. Being absent from the forums so you can look after you is totally ok and sounds like a good idea. But if you do want to talk, there is always someone here to listen Smiley Happy


Re: A long rave

Hi @eth, here if you feel like sharing the outcome of the meeting today, for bad or good, or somewhere in between. Thinking of you a lot today. Heart

Re: A long rave

thank you @Mazarita@Faith-and-Hope@eth@Exoplanet@greenpea@CheerBear (and everyone and i apologise for missed tags)

im not coping all that great so am just silently reading for the moment, just wanted you guys to know in case you thought i mighve been ignoring. please no its not the case, just not able to think all that clear atm 

Re: A long rave

Hi @outlander, thanks for letting us know. Hugs for what you are going through. Here with an ear if you want or need one. Love to you. Heart