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Re: A long rave

Got myself dressed between the last post and this one, yay.

@eth, no worries about running out of words. It's refreshing that you say it. I don't have much more to chat about this morning, except I finally finished the video I've been working on for about the past six weeks. Finicky work on that one! Happy enough with the result. 

@greenpea, I'd keep looking after the plant, if I was you. Though it's a nuisance it has to be in the bathtub. Is there anywhere else you can put it, more out of the way?

Re: A long rave

I could put it in the living room .... I dont want to put it outside as I dont want it weathered at all .... it is a tough one. You know when you have a present for someone you just want to give it to them not hang onto it. She is a very nice lady. Hoping she will come home this weekend.

Re: A long rave

@greenpea, the living room sounds like a better place for it to me. Smiley Happy

Re: A long rave

 I will go and do it now @Mazarita. BTW I am still in my pjs and unwashed and intend on staying that way till tonight 😛

Re: A long rave

Cool, @greenpea, my sister in pj days. Smiley Very Happy

I might take off now, been here for a while and would like to do some other things.

Thanks for the chat this morning with you and @eth. ox

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita cya Mazzy have a great day. You too @eth xxxx

Re: A long rave

Hi @Mazarita @greenpea and anyone else around this evening.

I'm just now getting notifications from this morning so I'm sorry if I didn't reply to anyone.


Worked this afternoon on sorting out and documenting my goals and the supports I need to reach them for the NDIS planning meeting on Monday.  Sil will collaborate on it tomorrow.


How have your days been?


Re: A long rave

Hi @eth and all. 

Just a really slow day here. Been struggling to get myself going. I haven’t read back to know what anyone’s up to. I need to take dog soon for a walk and get out of my pjs :face_with_rolling_eyes:😳

Re: A long rave

Hiya @eth @Mazarita @greenpea @Sophia1 @outlander @Teej @Exoplanet and all. I haven't read back to catch up but wanted to pop by and say hi.

@eth great to hear your NDIS meeting went well (a week or so ago - I've lost track of time a bit!). I'm still waiting to hear about my access request. It's a bit frustrating that it's taking so long.

@Sophia1 thank you for your message the other day. I wasn't in hospital but I've been away for a little while at a MH recovery kind of place which has been great. I hope you're going OK enough.

@Teej it feels like ages since we've caught up. Missing you lots. Hoping your walk with dog is good for you both.

@Mazarita ❤ for you for the feels re your share earlier.

Hope the day has been one with good in it for all ☺

Re: A long rave

Thanks @CheerBear. Going through a rough patch atm hoping that things will change a bit soon. Not been much of a conversationalist lately, sorry. Good to hear your world is brighter than a few weeks ago. 💜🤗