Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
03-01-2021 11:40 AM
03-01-2021 11:40 AM
@@Emelia8 thinking of you 💜 KerryAnne Kennelly was just one tv7 Morning Show talking about her breast cancer journey and promoting a book I think (missed details but you might be able to catch it on reply or something). Isn't KAK lovely 🤗
03-01-2021 01:02 PM - edited 03-01-2021 04:31 PM
03-01-2021 01:02 PM - edited 03-01-2021 04:31 PM
Thanks @Former-Member I will see what I can find on replay re KAK and her breast cancer journey. Yes I agree, she is lovely. Did you read about her fall from the trapeze a few days ago? She has been appearing in a musical theatre production and fell during a performance, breaking her collar bone.
Here is what KAK said about her breast cancer diagnosis in June, 2012:
“I don’t think anything softens it up, I know the exact moment when I discovered a lump,” she said. “It was like ice in the veins.”
“Had I left it another six months, who knows?” she said. “There’s so many questions about this insidious disease but we are gaining ground on it.”
Her advice:
“Get checked. Having your boob squashed in a press ain’t fun but what is more uncomfortable is being sliced and diced, having to take drugs, having dye put through your veins, anaesthetic, and all sorts of invasive treatments.”
She is a classy lady is Kerri-Anne Kennerly. I also see from looking it up on the internet that she was diagnosed 2 years younger than when I was. And she has had almost exactly the same treatment ... eg lumpectomy, radiation, oral chemo (though I note its a different one to what I've been put on).
Emelia 💞
03-01-2021 04:50 PM - edited 03-01-2021 06:51 PM
03-01-2021 04:50 PM - edited 03-01-2021 06:51 PM
Okay ... another update for you all. Oh no! ... I hear you say. 😱 Ha ha ... sorry everyone. Please dont feel obliged to read, much less respond. 💕
@Anastasia @Former-Member @BlueBay @greenpea @Peri @Eve7 @Sans911 @WIP @Bow @outlander @Former-Member @Lee82 @Maggie @NatureLover @Zoe7 @eth @Shaz51 @Meowmy @Clawde @MDT @Former-Member @Former-Member @Faith-and-Hope @TAB @Schitzo @Owlunar @Former-Member @Snowie @Exoplanet and anyone else I may have inadvertently missed.
Well ... today I should have been on the road, undertaking my 7 hour drive to visit my Dad and other family. Would have been nearly there by now, if I'd gone. Sadly I was forced to make the decision not to go. Nothing was adding up and it all got too hard. I'm disappointed of course and so too is my Dad when I told him yesterday. I hope to plan a visit now in late Feb or early March, which will be the earliest I can make it, given my upcoming radiation therapy. Although that is always a bad time of year for me (anniversary of assault), so I will just have to wait and see how things go.
As I said ... nothing was adding up for this trip, and in the end the visit was just becoming impossibly difficult. Hubby had decided he wasnt well enough to travel, so was not going to come with me. That meant I would have to arrange that he was cared for while I was away, and would also mean my time away would need to be shortened. He hasnt been very well the past few days, with his Parkinsons symptoms worsening. And he was getting quite upset knowing that I was going to be away. So he was trying to convince me not to go.
With hubby not coming with me, it also meant I would be driving the long distances on my own. Weather prediction for the next week is expected to be wet all this week, so I would have had to be driving through possibly heavy rain both there and back. Which can make an already long tiring drive, seem even longer. Its still school holidays so the roads will be busy.
And due to the COVID situation, rest stops all the way from Central Coast through to the Illawarra area are very limited. Even without stopping anywhere within Greater Sydney. Added to that is the fact that the oral chemo meds I'm now on, make me even more tired and fatigued than I normally am. So the drive was going to be a problem, and it would have been dangerous and irresponsible for me to be driving those distances on my own.
Also a consideration was that the NSW premier advised on Thursday that people should postpone travel plans. After hearing that, I phoned the cancer institute where I will be having my radiation therapy in a little over a week, to ask them about travelling. They said it would not be advisable to travel outside of my local area under the current circumstances.
So I had pretty much made up my mind Thursday night that I would likely not be doing my visit. But I didnt let anyone down South know until yesterday. I feel bad for having to cancel this trip. Dads health has deteriorated, and he may not even be around come March! I know that sounds pessimistic ... but in all honesty, I'm quite concerned about him.
I'd also planned to help my brother go through and pack up a lot of stuff at Dads house to get it spruced up and prepared for sale. Dad is now living with my brother full time since Christmas, and is on a wait list for a nursing home room as soon as one comes available. So his home in town will need to be sold to fund that transition. Both Mum and Dad are dedicated hoarders. Every time I've been down there since Mum died ... I cull, rehome and dispose of stuff, but there is still so much to do. Still two rooms to clear out and paint as well. I guess it will wait until March, but I just feel that I've let my brother down. He has to deal with so much already.
I have to admit (selfishly) that once I made the decision not to travel ... besides disappointment, I felt a sense of relief. I realised that I've been putting a lot of pressure on myself to do more than I can currently handle. So for my own wellbeing, its a good decision. I guess I need to concentrate on my own physical recovery, and to also try to get my mental health in a better state as well.
I continue to feel very vulnerable and "all at sea" due to not having an appointment with my psych. I never leave her office without another appointment. But when my last appointment in mid December was cancelled, I'm now without a replacement apt. I feel very much as though I am cast out to sea, with no paddle to find a safe haven. The last day of February is now so close once more ... my prime highly triggering anniversary. It comes around so quickly ... and so flamin' often! I sometimes find that the new year is a bit of a trigger for me. Its as though I suddenly realise how close the end of February is from now. I mean ... its only next month! 😔
Well, thank you for reading .. if you reached this far. I best leave it at that for now. Enough is enough aye?
Love and gratitude to each of you.
Emelia 💞
03-01-2021 04:56 PM
03-01-2021 04:56 PM
I told myself was going to see father interstate @Emelia8 but baled after starting to think might get stuck there etc . Yes, relieved as well
03-01-2021 05:10 PM
03-01-2021 05:10 PM
Given that you are a WA resident, and the fact that they border closures are so volatile ... I suspect you made the right decision @TAB . It would be pretty awful being forced into hotel quarantine upon your return .. not just for the cost aspect, but for MH reasons as well. I hope you get to visit another time. All my hubbys family are in WA and we have not been able to visit all year, including when my husbands Dad died in November. The borders to NSW did open for a short time, but were quickly slammed shut again with the latest COVID outbreak.
03-01-2021 05:15 PM
03-01-2021 05:15 PM
Sending you some love and hugs @Emelia8
03-01-2021 05:21 PM
03-01-2021 05:21 PM
Sending you lots of tender hugs @Emelia8 🥰💖
03-01-2021 05:36 PM
03-01-2021 05:36 PM
Oh @Emelia8 i really empathise. I would be so disappointed in not seeing your dad this time. But I think you're own health and arrangements come first. And I'm glad you listened to you.
I feel for you because I know how close you are to your dad and would wznt yo see him sooner as he's not well. I'm praying that you can get to visit him in feb or March. It's so hard also waiting for a nursing home. I know ehst that's like.
Sending you loving hugs 🤗 and strength. We are sll here for you ❤️xx
03-01-2021 05:38 PM
03-01-2021 05:38 PM
03-01-2021 05:44 PM
03-01-2021 05:44 PM
@Emelia8 sending love to you. Can’t always reply but always read your updates. Understand the decision was hard but am glad you are putting you first and doing what you need to do to prepare for your treatment. Praying you get to see your dad later on.
Anniversaries are hard, specially them types of ones- thinking of you
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Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
Our Mission
To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.