Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
20-02-2023 12:43 AM
20-02-2023 12:43 AM
Thinking of you @Emelia8
20-02-2023 08:05 AM
20-02-2023 08:05 AM
Hi dear @Emelia8 thinking of you and wondering how you are doing?
Are you able to get out a bit more now that you have been cleared to drive? And are you looking at houses? I hope you find the perfect place to call home soon and that you can get a furbaby- they really do make all the difference. I applied to foster cats/kittens over the weekend. We currently have a dog and a cat… my ragdoll cat disappeared just before Christmas 😞 I’d like another cat, but will wait for the right one, but thought fostering would give me something to do
26-02-2023 11:51 AM
26-02-2023 11:51 AM
morning @Emelia8 , how are you going my friend , thinking of you lots and sending hugs
27-02-2023 06:21 PM - edited 27-02-2023 10:22 PM
27-02-2023 06:21 PM - edited 27-02-2023 10:22 PM
Thanks everyone for your kind and thoughtful posts, and my apologies for (again) my lack of response.
Its just ... well ... tough right now. This is trauma anniversary week. And I am entirely alone for the first time since it happened. No husband and no little dog helping to keep me safe, or at least reassuring me just a little. I'm having lots of horrible dreams and barely sleeping.
This time last year would have been my first without both husband and Holly, but I was in hospital. I was 3 weeks post spinal surgery (which didn't work) and I was still in severe pain. Then as anniversary date approached I was experiencing severe PTSD symptoms so they transferred me into the Mental Health Unit of the hospital for safe keeping because they were concerned for me. That was the first of two long stints in the MHU between February and April last year.
My psychologist did a home visit to see me last Friday, knowing its a difficult time right now. She was here for 2 hours. It was helpful, but there is only so much she can do, and the rest is up to me. She helped me make sense of a number of horrible repetitive dreams I have been experiencing lately. I hadn't connected them, but she explained the connection, and I see now that they are very strongly connected to my rape trauma. Its all related to feeling helpless, afraid, alone and in pain. So now that I understand these dreams and feelings, I can self soothe when I wake in distress, rather than be so self critical.
My psych has been on leave since mid December, shifting offices, and is not officially back until next week. She has organised another appointment for me in the new premises next week, but asked if she could call in to see me at home this Wednesday. I said yes.
I am still doing my post surgery day rehab sessions twice a week and that's going pretty well. I am off all the strong pain killers now, which is a major relief to me. I am still getting pain, but its bearable. Definitely improving and I am happy to work through it from here on in. My rehabilitation doctor today suggested I extend my 6 week rehab program for a further 4 weeks. I agreed to do so, as I feel I need the discipline of twice weekly scrutiny of numerous professionals. Plus the physiotherapists, exercise physiologists, rehab specialists, etc are all there to ensure I don't do anything that could do me any physical harm. Plus I am worried that if I stop the twice weekly sessions, I may go backwards in my physical progress. I don't want that, as I figure I have enough mental stuff to deal with.
Unfortunately houses and puppies are still on the backburner. I found a house I really liked, but it went to auction (the owner would not accept offers prior) and I was outbid. That was Friday week ago. I was really disappointed, as it ticked almost all my boxes, certainly the most important ones. But it wasn't to be, and I am still looking. Oh, I absolutely HATED the auction! That was just awful. I nearly didn't stay for the actual auction, I was so nervous. I was shaking and teary every time the agents came anywhere near me and asked me if I was okay. In the end, I really just wanted to get out of there, out of that room full of people. Don't think I can do that again.
Anyway I was feeling guilty for not responding, and wanted to explain why I have been quiet. I will quietly retreat again now, and be back when I feel I can. I really appreciate you all. 💞
@Shaz51 @Bow @Sophia1 @NatureLover @Eve7 @BlueBay @outlander @Snowie @Jynx
27-02-2023 06:34 PM
27-02-2023 06:34 PM
no need to apologise my friend @Emelia8
you have so much going on
sending you loving hugs and support
27-02-2023 07:24 PM
27-02-2023 07:24 PM
You are incredibly brave @Emelia8 .
You continue to be a rock even when so much is happening.
Thank you so much for sharing this part of your journey with us.
If you every feel you need an extra padding of support, you can contact Griefline
We are here if you need a chat.
Hugs, tyme
27-02-2023 07:46 PM
27-02-2023 07:46 PM
Thanks for the update @Emelia8 I will be thinking of you this week and I’m sad you have to relive such trauma.
Lots of love
27-02-2023 08:40 PM
27-02-2023 08:40 PM
28-02-2023 03:32 PM
28-02-2023 03:32 PM
Dear @Emelia8
Trauma; memories; surgeries; rehabilitation
auctions yes that would have been huge
I am depleted at the moment and am overstretching myself in real life as well as the forums..
I do want to let you know that everything you go through is real, valid and I truly feel for you as I have experienced everything that you have said as my own unique experience..except for loss of husband which will eventuate for us all at some stage. Sadly..
My husband now has terminal illness and other health issues..
The rest yes sadly I have been there...different for each of us..I cannot talk about that part..some of us are never able to..
Trauma comes and goes without warning.
Keep on opening up to whom you feel safe to do so
Keep on with the therapy if you feel comfortable and that it is working for you..
You are a beautiful person, who has given so much and shared so much love and nobody can ever take that away from you.
When your mind takes you down the slippery path of fear that accompanies symptoms of trauma.....dig deep and find the joy you felt and shared during the love sharing...there are moments in there...
You are loveable and worthwhile and valued.
Take care
I might not be here much but I do value you as a person.
One day at a time
sending you love
28-02-2023 08:44 PM
28-02-2023 08:44 PM
hugs and hugs @Emelia8 xxx
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Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
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To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.
Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
Our Mission
To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.