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02 Mar 2021 08:07 AM
02 Mar 2021 08:07 AM
Morning @Anastasia ... still waiting for your pics to appear. 😊
I'm hoping to get to my Pilates class this morning. I have an appt with my psychologist tomorrow afternoon. Unless I get a call today to say its cancelled.
02 Mar 2021 08:29 AM
02 Mar 2021 08:29 AM
Morning @Emelia8
How are you enjoying Pilates? My Osteo regularly encourages me to do Pilates classes to help with my back issues, but honestly I'm a bit scared to join a class with all the super fit, toned ladies in the group. Plus it's very expensive.
I hope you are travelling along ok, thinking of you!
02 Mar 2021 09:50 AM - edited 02 Mar 2021 09:57 AM
02 Mar 2021 09:50 AM - edited 02 Mar 2021 09:57 AM
Sorry silly, forgetful (at the moment) me @Emelia8 of course it is tomorrow and Pilates today!
Crossing absolutely every ounce of my being Em that she doesn't cancel, how could she...
I didn't see you up last night, although I am sure you probably were?? I do hope you were able to get some sleep to help you function today Em.
I did my first ever Pilates last week and thoroughly enjoyed it. I will aim to do it weekly now to.
@WIP not all of them will be super fit and toned hun, just focus on you - the company would be so good for you, a good opportunity to chat to others and potentially make a friend or two? Think about it. I know you have health insurance too so they might even assist in the cost? Love you both xox
02 Mar 2021 01:01 PM
02 Mar 2021 01:01 PM
I hope you enjoyed your Pilates @Emelia8
I am in the car park waiting for my colleague to arrive for the class, nervous but have to do it. Thinking of you my sweet friend xox
02 Mar 2021 01:12 PM - edited 02 Mar 2021 01:13 PM
02 Mar 2021 01:12 PM - edited 02 Mar 2021 01:13 PM
Thanks @WIP .. I am enjoying the pilates classes. Only 3 of us in the class each week, which is perfect. I originally started doing pilates about 10 years ago, as recommended for my back injury. Pilates is well known to help with core strength and conditioning, which helps support the back. So it would be worth you giving it a go. The two other ladies in my class, are similar ages to myself .. ie late 50's early 60's I'd guess. One is very fit the other not so much, so I am somewhere in between. I'm doing this class through an exercise physiologist who is extensively trained in pilates. I note that Myboy recalls you are in a private health fund. I am too, and mine includes extras. My classes cost $20 each attendance, but my health fund covers $11 of it. So I am left with a cost to myself of only $9 per visit. I know that over time that adds up, but for me its manageable, and worth it.
@Anastasia... not at all my friend ... you are definitely not silly. How can you be expected to remember everyone here's, courses appointments anniversaries, etc. You have more than enough to remember with your own and family commitments.
Re my psych apt tomorrow. I got my usual reminder text for tomorrows appointment. Although I got that the previous two as well, only to get a subsequent phone call to say that it was since cancelled. So I'm still waiting for that.
Yes I was up last night from around 1am until 4am, but no I dont recall posting anywhere. It was all pretty quiet here last night. I listened to the sleep youtube you posted here the night before. Lovely sounds. Then I listened to a couple of chapters of my audio book. Then I finally drifted off into a restless sleep for a couple of hours, before getting up a bit after 6am.
My class this morning was good. I refrained from doing a few of the exercises the instructor gave me, due to me having aggravated my back last week. And although its much better now, I dont want to aggravate it again. It gets to the stage where it feels really wonky and its easy to tell that the discs are pressing on the nerve. Every cough, sneeze or wrong movement is a reminder that there is something structural happening. And that I need to be extra careful to allow things to settle down again. But I also know I have to keep moving, so its a matter of finding the happy medium ... where you are doing some good, and hopefully nothing that will do further damage. But the instructor is very switched on, and thats helpful. He actually pulled me off a couple of exercises and suggested I not do them this week.
So @Anastasia is your class today the Pilates or the high impact energetic one I think I read about on @NatureLover thread?
How is your work going today, being at home? I think you said your exercice class is lunchtime, so you may well be there right now.
Right, so I just phoned my dad. He is sounding okay this week, for which I'm thankful. Now its time for me to crash for a while, hoping for an hour's sleep. Hubby is going out to the local pub this arvo around 4pm with his mates, so I will have some quiet time then too. Looking forward to that. Just a chance to space out and not have to think for a while. Relax with Holly.
I know I missed responding to a few posts here from others, but they are on the previous page. So I will get back to you all after my snooze.
Emelia 🤗💞
02 Mar 2021 01:14 PM
02 Mar 2021 01:14 PM
Ahhh, @Anastasia ... your post came through while I was compiling my response. I see you are indeed at your class right now. Enjoy.
Emelia 😊💕
02 Mar 2021 02:36 PM
02 Mar 2021 02:36 PM
Hello dear @Emelia8 thnk you for understanding my lack of memory xox
I am so pleased to hear the U Tube link I sent is helping, but I am sorry sleep is still not deep or for long enough 😞
Your instructor sounds fabulous, mine is virtual so no instructor which is ok as I have enough knowledge around correct technique due to having my own qualifications for many years. There were three of us as well all of the same age give or take a few years 🙂 It was the high impact one today and a bit too bouncy for my liking, I will try a different class next time.
I am so glad your Dad is sounding ok, gosh it must be hard being a distance from him. Hopefully you will get to see him in to near future?
The afternoon for you sounds nice, Em, some time whilst hubby is out just for you and Holly. How is little Holly? I hope the swelling has disappeared by now and thet her fur is returning to its former glory? I hope you are sleeping soundly right now and that when you wake you feel a little refreshed.
My boy made it to his commitments today and I am doing what I can to sort out his supports as his support worker is taking three months leave from next Monday. Really dissapointed that the company didn't tell me and I found out through my boy on Friday, after their business had closed for the day !!!! Can't say too much but it is not just an easy get someone else situation grrrr...oh well, I'll hear back from them tomorrow.
Can't think of any other news Em so I will leave it at that for you more xox
02 Mar 2021 04:13 PM - edited 02 Mar 2021 04:17 PM
02 Mar 2021 04:13 PM - edited 02 Mar 2021 04:17 PM
02 Mar 2021 04:27 PM - edited 02 Mar 2021 04:28 PM
02 Mar 2021 04:27 PM - edited 02 Mar 2021 04:28 PM
@Anastasia 😊🌸 What beautiful flowers .. thank you so much.
Thanks, as always. I expect it may be a while before my sleep gets back to what, for me, is normal. Which I might add, is never good.
Yes, the pilates instructor is very good. I used to do pilates here before, up until about 18 months or more ago. But it was a different instructor, and she was not very good at all. No structure, no supervision, no individual application. She was only a trainee instructor, and it showed. She is no longer there. Oh wow ... did you used to be a pilates instructor yourself? I'm impressed! I'm sorry that todays high impact class was not totally to your liking. Do you have many different classes to choose from? I think you mentioned that you joined a gym, so am guessing that there are a number of different group classes that you can choose, depending on suitable timing.
Yeah Dad is declining physically, but mentally he is still very with it. He will see his doctor tomorrow, and also get his INR checked. He has regular INR checks, because he has been on blood thinning medication since his moderately severe stroke some 2 years ago. He now has an appointment time for his hospital admission to have the skin cancers removed from above his eyes and head. He will need skin grafts, hence the reason they cant be done in the Drs office. It is just on 4 weeks away, 30th March. I think he is looking forward to that, because the skin cancers are annoying him. Keeps bumping them and making them bleed and then becoming very sore. They are in a sensitive area around the eyes, not so much the ones on his head. But there isnt much skin there, so that means the skin graft is necessary. I had been jhoping to get down to visit my Dad around this time, ie late Feb early Mar, but there keeps being apts for either hubby or myself to try and dodge. I will have to get the diary out and just shut down a block of up to a week ... and just go! Otherwise I'll never get there.
Yes, hubby gone to pub now, so home alone. Holly is such a little sweetie .. full of beans. The vet actually said to me "how old is she?" ... and when I said 12yo, he said "hmmm, she seems much younger". Last time I was at the vets with her for a checkup, there was a little girl of about 4-5yo there with her Dad. She appeared totally fascinated with Holly, and kept watching her. And Holly kept walking over to where she was seated at another bench seat just up from where we were seated. She would sit at her feet and gaze up at the little girl. I had her on a long lead, because she gets super nervous when at the vet, and she likes to look out the windows which are located in between each of the bench seats. In the end, the little girls Dad asked me if his daughter could pat her. I said yes of course, so I knelt next to her and picked Holly up so she could pat her properly from the seat. She was very gentle and just softly stroked Hollys head and neck. It settled Holly right down. So sweet. Yes the hair that was all shaved off for her operation, is growing back nicely now ... almost back to her former glory. And the swelling has almost toally gone. Can just feel a small hard piece where the vet was unable to remove the lump. Its right up against the jugular vein and the trachea. So I will be keeping an eye on that to check that it doesnt start growing again. The scars are flattening and healing nicely, and she is no longer licking or scratching at them.
I had an hour long snooze after lunch, which restored a bit of energy. Overall though I just feel very very weary, and would like to switch everything off and just sleep for a week. Then I may feel a bit better. Of course I know that will never happen, but gee it sounds appealing.
Well done to your Boy for making all of his commitments. Oh no ... how disappointing that his support worker is taking 3 months leave! Was that a sudden decision or did the company know all along? I cannot believe they would leave it this late before telling you and your Boy. Dont they know how important it is for continuity, commitment and routine? To enable him/you to trust and begin to rely on a support worker, only to suddenly learn that they are going to be gone for 3 months .. that is so unfair and I'd imagine quite unprofessional. Hope they come up with a suitable replacement, but even then ... its still a process, and not an easy one for any of you.
Okay will leave it at that for now gorgeous friend. Hope your afternoon and evening is a good one.
Emelia 💞🤗🌺
02 Mar 2021 04:33 PM
02 Mar 2021 04:33 PM
I'll reply properly but just wanted to say my Dad's scan is the 30th...will keep your Dad in my heart that day too Em 💕🙏💕
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