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Re: 14th year house bound

Hey @Alessandra1992


There's quite a few examples of progressive muscle relaxation you can listen to through Youtube. Below is just one example. I have no connections to this organisation who created this video, but it seems good.


Re: 14th year house bound

Thanks @NikNik, I have a CD from a 6 week course I did but it is copyright so I can't share it!

Re: 14th year house bound

Hi @Alessandra1992

Yes i have heard of progressive Muscle Relaxation, i practice it regularly, to try to get my restless leg syndrom to go away and help relax my arms too.


have you heard of mindfullness, a woman on another forum i was apart of put me onto it, if you get a chance look her up on youtube, Her name is Tara Brach her youtube channel is

I often listen to her on my smart phone to make me go to sleep or when i wake up in the middle of the night with a panic attack.


i hope this helps you as much as it has me.


Take Care



Tara Brach is a leading western teacher of Buddhist meditation, emotional healing and spiritual awakening. This channel is a compilation of Tara Brach's video offerings, including her popular Wednesday night weekly livestream; a library of guided meditations; short clips from the "Tara Talks" web

Re: 14th year house bound

Hey @Jacques, yes I do have mindfulness techniques I use..breath awareness is probably my favourite as it really focuses my mind on the present..still practising observing my emotions..which I find sometimes eludes me ciz I get distracted and stop being present..
On the topic of present..I am going to give myself the present of yoga classes..not falling over keeps me very present 🙂

Re: 14th year house bound

Hi @Alessandra1992

I use the podcasts from Tara's site to try to give myself full muscle relaxation, my only problem is my mind wanders, which is ok, every now and again she says something that brings me back to the present.


i had a really bad night last night only 1 hours sleep, i had such a bad panic attacki can't believe how many of them i am getting now, maybe it is because i am putting myself in anxiety provocing situations so i am in a constant state of panic.


Lol's on the yoga, i can't get into it, but my aunt likes it very much.  i hope the yoga classes manage to relax you.

well will try for a better night tonight, hoping for only 1 panic attack through the night.


Take Care



Re: 14th year house bound

Hey @Jacques

How are you? I don't think I've 'met' you so just wanted to say hi.

And I was wanting to invite you to our online event, 'Friday Feast' where we have a 'cyber' dinner together group and just chat and catch up among ourselves.

If you can make and would like to mingle with some other members, it'd be great if you could make it. Smiley Happy


Re: 14th year house bound

Hi @CherryBomb

I am going ok, i am having a lot of panic attacks (several per day), but i am managing it as best i can.


i would love to join in the event on friday night, i just hope i am not a depressive influence on everyone else.


I will be their, my first event with other people in 8 years, yay.


Take Care


(P.s. nice photo)



Re: 14th year house bound

Hi @Jacques

I would truly like to thank you for this post.

Thank you for your honesty and openess, I found your posts very eloquent and insightful.

I too have lived a long time with Mental Health Issues. I was first diagnosed in 2002, however in retrospect, I know it is something that has always been with me.

There were many things you shared that I relate to, which inspired me to sign up to the forum just to thank you. I can see by some of your words it wasn't at all times easy for you, I can completely relate to a mid sentence panic attack totally out of the blue (unintentional pun there 😉 ).

I wish you all the very best, and I hope that by you reaching out to post here, it is a first small step on a journey.


Re: 14th year house bound

Hi @wombat_socks

thank you for the kind words, i am truly humbled to be able to help someone reach out, it is messages like these that make me know i am not alone.


I hope you continue to reach out here, everyone is so kind and caring and willing to listen to anything you ask or contribute. and i hope to talk to you in the future.


i am sorry you have MH issues and that you haave suffered from them for so long, i have the same thing looking back on my childhood, it is interesting the small signs you pick up in retrospect, and yes you are right, i find it incredably humiliating being 33 and not being able to leave my mothers side, seeing people smirk at me having to have my mother with me when i go into shops in the small town i live in.


during the posts on this forum i have not mentioned a lot of my MH issues as i am trying t ofollow the rules and trying not to get kicked off this forum, this is the only social contact i have. 

But Please don't see my story as anything other than sad, i often feel like Alice from alice in wonderland falling down the rabit hole, i am falling through the hole of life and unlike Alice their will be no end of the tunnle for me, i am pathetic to say the least.


i spent all last night curled up in the dark with a panic attack and managed to exhaust myself by 3:30am enough to get some sleep.  this seems to be happening on a nightly basis now, i am so exhausted most days i can only stay awake in 2-3 hour intervals then i have t osleep for an hour.  i know 90 year olds who have more energy than me.


sorry i am babbling on please reach out for any help you can get, find help before it sets in, the longer you leave it the harder it is to get back on track,  i should have reached out for help when i was 8 or 9,  things are too far in motion for me now to get useful help.


Take care and please keep in contact and look at other parts of the forum, i often look around at other posts for insight.



Re: 14th year house bound


I wanted to write to you because you are not pathetic.

I know someone in a similar situation to you. They live with their Mum and they don't have much contact with other poeple. Their battles are so difficult to fight, relentless and persistent. I'm sorry for that.

I reckon you're on a winner going to the shops 🙂  

Surely not all the people smirk. I reckon some would think you're incredibly brave, or some would just be curious about who you are (as they do in small towns).


They could have this poster in your town!

be kind.jpg