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My adult son has just walked out. He is depressed and anxious? I am not sure what to do.

Community Lead

Re: Carer

Hi @Patticake ,


I'm sorry to hear about your son. 


Do you have reason to believe he may be anxious or depressed?


If you are concerned for his safety, please contact 000. 


Is there something that happened which caused him to walk out?


Please look after yourself. We are here for you.

Re: Carer


He has just arrived back home.  I am exhausted. I have been caring for 35 years with the situation. I don’t know where to go for help for myself. He does see Professionals nothing seems to work. Where could I go for help? 

Re: Carer

Hey @Patticake ,


How have things been going for you?


I hope you can take time out to look after yourself.


Have you spoken to your son's treating team for additional support?