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Looking after ourselves

Re: The magic of tidying

Yes ongoing @Dimity 

As long as I don’t get too stressed and cancel it like last time 

Re: The magic of tidying

Good stuff @Oaktree, you're on top of it. Having order in the house makes you feel better. I am happy for you that you have got a regular cleaner it will make things a bit easier for you

Re: The magic of tidying

Well done @Oaktree , way to go my friend 

Keep going with the cleaner 💪 

Hello @SmilingGecko , @Dimity , @NatureLover , @TAB 

Re: The magic of tidying

Hi @Shaz51 


It makes sense to keep going with the cleaner but my house is terrible and it’s embarrassing getting someone in. It stresses me out so much. I panic clean before she comes. Anyway today is the first time meeting this lady. She seems nice and we had a bit of a chat while she cleaned my kitchen sink and benches. The cleaner is covered by the NDIS

Re: The magic of tidying

@Shaz51 @Oaktree @SmilingGecko my  place is overwhelming and I had a bad day so I just walked around the block and picked up a full bag of litter - a minor win

Re: The magic of tidying

Still a win my @Dimity 🥰

Re: The magic of tidying

Definitely a win @Dimity 

We do what we can.

I only got so much done today because I was supported. I am pooped now. Told hubby he can put the appliances back on the bench.

Re: The magic of tidying

Thanks @Shaz51 @Oaktree .

You may be pooped @Oaktree but you've done well. It should be easier next time. 


Re: The magic of tidying

Thanks @Dimity 

I hope it will be easier. At least the cleaner won’t be a total stranger next time. We chatted and she seemed nice

Re: The magic of tidying

@Dimity @Shaz51 @SmilingGecko @NatureLover @TAB 


Today I hung out a load of laundry. Yeaterday I started cleaning my bedroom. Threw out a garbage bag full of stuff and took down posters. Cleaned the inside of the door and one wall

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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