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Re: the longest wait while being petrified

They come out in 7 days @Former-Member but horses needed feeding and kids wanted to see thier horse ao i took them there.
I dont have many walking tracks. I just ride the exercise bike but ive got the treadmill out too.

Its the content. Of the appointments. Im not getting anywhere

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

@outlander,I can't tell you how many tissues I went through in therapy over four years,it got me nowhere.At the end of the day it's only you that can heal or accept whatever will be,will be,and like me being dealt cards in life that were shit.I got dependent on therapy,the mental health nurse,I thought the world of stupidly and it was the only form of contact with someone due to isolation of depression and anxiety.Just beware of your dependence,because it can contribute to your helplessness.

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

I dont cry @Former-Member i dont know what to do. I always end up in this spot and then its like now what and the therapy stops working. I dont really know what else to do. I dont rely on them at all. I dont really want to go. Ill see how the next session goes but i dont know anymore

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

Maybe i should go to hospital

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

Hospital won't help @outlander,you have been there,you need to start a plan to help yourself and give you hope.

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

@outlanderI totally get the CSA, we both do.

There are times where we all lose hope (I did today) and it is bloody hard to see past that. You need to keep reaching out for help, on here, on phone, in person, whatever way you can. 

And it isn't a good feeling that we have to feel like this. Life isn't fair and sometimes it is just plain crap. But we just have to hold onto those small wins, take our baby steps and try and find a way out. And it doesn't happen over night, it will take years, but thats why we need to get as much support in our own corner as possible.


P.S. - Sorry, had to feed kids. They don't stop eating!!

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

I'm baaaaack

@outlander - I'm glad that there was nothing serious going on with your wound & that it was easily fixed. I understand that you are bored, hun, but overdoing things is going to delay healing making it a longer, more boring time (Big Sis stern talking voice here). And re:your psychologicist- I get the impression from things you've said that perhaps you are expecting too much too soon. You can't undo trauma in a hurry. You do someone who 'gets' you though. And perhaps constantly changing therapists has slowed things down. What you should be doing with your therapist is defining goals, even small ones. They should be with helping you to determine these and working with you at a pace that is comfortable.

@Former-Member- sorry to hear things has gone to pot again. It's going to be one of those days you just have to life from hour to hour, or minute to minute even. I'll be around. I don't know if the Blue Knot website has any coping strategies, but it might be worth a look. And it would probably be a good idea to email your therapist with this new information. They might be able to see you earlier or add another session. It certainly sounds like you need it.

@Former-Member I know you live in a small town, that is rife with gossip, but hun, why do you let it get so under your skin? I understand it's hurtful, nobody likes hearing bad things about them, but rise above that and be better than them. You are paranoid, that has been something I've noticed from the time I known you. But not every whisper of gossip, not every glance your way, not everything is about you. Your lack of worth in yourself and your low self-esteem and confidence is messing with you and feeding you so many lies about yourself you now believe every single one of them. I think you need this job, to show yourself first and the world second that you are worthy & capable. I bet you are a really nice person with a heart of gold, but you probably don't even believe that. It makes me sad that you think so little of yourself. It would be really good mice to hear you have a reasonable day or even a good day. You deserve that too. And delete your ex from your phone, unfriend him on facebook and move on from him. Stop giving him your energy. He's not worth it. I'm not trying to be harsh with you, do I upset I'm sorry. It's just hard to hear talk so down about yourself so much. I care about as much as I would if I actually knew you.

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

Hope you had a nice walk @Sans911, I had to go feed the kids anyway, they don't stop eating!!

I am ok, things didn;t go bad again, just the way I wrote it made it sound llike that!! I forget sometimes that I can't use expression when I write and it comes out wrong!! But I do agree with you with emailing the psychologist. That is on my list of things to do tomorrow. 

I forget about the time difference sometimes, where it is on;y afternoon for you but dinner time for us!



Re: the longest wait while being petrified

I know @Former-Member but i cant get out of this state abd its starting to worry me. I have hardly slept yet bouncing around like a yoyo!

@Former-Member lol your kids are more important than here. Its fine. I feel like im burdening everyone. I just want to be well or more than what im in. I cant get out of this state. Im scared i dont want to be like this.
Im panicing a trigger has set me off so i should go calm down. But i cant

@Sans911 i have psych tomorrow. Wr are doing trauma work now. I want to get through the dig incident. I had a shocking nightmare lastnight this morning and dear nell was thankfully here for a bit.
I didnt mean to do that stuff. I was being mindful.

Im going to be sick gtg before my phone wears it

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

I dont know what to do.
Im dont want to do this
Maybe i should go back to the ed
I dont know what to do
I dont want to
Maybe i shouldve stayed