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Re: the longest wait while being petrified

Ok @Sans911 im glad me being there wont affect what you write. As you said its your safe place ❤❤

I guess ill find out exactly what they do tomorrow is regards to removal of however much and the other things they want done.
I havent really got much info either. It wasnt explained at all except the simple directions i was given. .

Lets think positive sis. ❤❤❤

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

It is really good @Former-Member
I dont want you to suffer because i am though
But thanks for caring ❤

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

1. Write down your negative feelings & thoughts.
2.Draw a picture/pictures of what those thoughts & pain would look like if they were something you could, see or pickup.
3.Dont eat junk food, or sit in the sun without skin protection.
4.Look in the mirror & look deep into your eyes only, & see a little 2 year old you with tiny stretched out arms wanting to be loved, by you. Then do for yourself the same as you would for that precious little one.
4. No matter what happens see your family as here to support you, & the Medical staff as having the knowledge to do it right, & the wisdom inside you to see & know you are a Victor, not a victom.
5. Now eat good yummy healthy food, draw or sing or write things that make you feel, happy, good, safe, & strong.

I do those sort of things, plus I pray. Its the only way I have gotten through all the crap in my life, @outlander, luv u! 🙂

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

hi @Former-Member thats really great

thank you for all those suggestions

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

ok guys things are getting really real! and im really scared!

im having alot of trouble containing my fear around this! a whole lot

im trying the suggestions of deep breathing and meditation and music but its not really helping me. i cant sit still, too jittery and walking around and trying to calm my nerves


Re: the longest wait while being petrified

Hey @outlander
Seem to recall somewhere a mention of you putting together something for charity. Can you fill me in on this and how you are going with it?

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

@outlander - hun, just keep it simple. Pare it right back to the basics of what you need to do. Ear, sleep, shower, take care of your sisters and pop and get to your appointment.

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

Oh yeah the charity @Former-Member
So im making dignity bags for homeless women. Im up to my 15th bag now. I had to stop abit because other things were taking priority. Ive got a thread that explains abit more about it....

Ive got so much to do before the op tomorrow @Sans911 i dont know how to pull it back even more
Before 1pm this is what has to be done
1. Get petrol
2. Take mum bf to work
3. Feed our horses
4. Do the small shopping list
5. Pack the kids stuff in the car
6. Get the kids to the baby sitters place
7. Get to the appointment

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

@outlander you can do it sweetie. Can your sisters help with anything, like helping you feeding the horses, packing the car? Can you make it a bit like an adventure for them to also help with your anxiety levels?

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

Im getting petrol now so one less thing to do
I was suppose to feed all the horses but im not now im only doing the one who is easy and in a private yard meaning i dont have to wait around. Just fill waters feed and go.

Dogs are barking here, pop coughing sister having a cough every now and then its getting really really overwhelming!!!!
