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Re: Trying to stay Sane

@WIP wrote:

Good Morning @Anastasia 


How are you today?

I had a s!*t of a day yesterday and bad sleep last night. Am feeling tired, but trying to be positive about the day ahead. It's going to be a hot one here in Melbs, so need to take little Levi out early.


Oh @WIP I am sorry to hear. You are so inspiring though with pushing through. You strength really inspires me. I hope you do get to take gorgeous Levi out, he'll love that.


I'm glad my message mad you feel good and bought a smile to your face! Keep celebrating those little wins.


Definitely trying. Have managed to get boys to stick with their washing so when I go back to therapist on Friday can report good news for a change ๐Ÿ™‚


I applied for two volunteering positions in the local area. One to help with Admin at the Community House and another at a local church that has a kiosk for elderly - morning shift making coffees, balancing stock levels/till and having a chit chat.

Haven't heard back yet. Fingers crossed I will though. I need some routine to help build my confidence, instead of being deflated that all I get out and about for atm is medical appts & they don't always go well


This is the best news!!!! Both sound amazing. I am sending good vibes to the Universe for it to happen for you. What a difference it would make I am certain.


Have a good day gorgeous @Anastasia 



You too beautiful L. Thank you for your message it has truly made my day. I'm in the office today so has lifted my spirits xxx

Love you ๐Ÿ’ž




Re: Trying to stay Sane

That's awesome the boys are keeping to doing their washing - it's been long enough now, that it might have become habit for them. Yay! - small,

bit substantial win ๐Ÿ˜Š @Anastasia 


I heard back from both the volunteering places via email today. I applied via and then the applications must get vetted through the local

council and forwarded onto the actual organisation for you to follow up with. Still feeling a bit blah today, so will follow up later in the week.


Got my psychiatrist appt tomorrow, and he'll want to talk about how I've gone decreasing anti- anxiety meds. I've done ok, but it's early days yet -amd maybe why I'm feeling a bit more blah than usual. I don't like him much as my pdoc, so it's difficult leading up to his appts


Hope you've had a good day at work.

Its 32 deg in Melb today, Too hot for me. My ideal is 25/26.  Oh well, summer is on its way!!



L ๐Ÿฆ‹๐ŸŒป๐Ÿงก

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Hello lovely, can I just say you actually sound much better. I know that sounds silly but just a feeling/intuition I get. Oh I hear you around your appointment tomorrow. I really hope it goes ok. Will be therer with you in spirit in the hope it helps a little xxx


Still have everything crossed for your volunteer applications x


I love the heat but yes probably a bit uncomfortably hot. It's warm here but I don't know the temp nor have I been outside for long today. About to head home to cook dinner and probably go couch side for the night. My intention is to start exercising from tomorrow. I'm telling you in the hope that I stay accountable. I have the utmost respect for you and feel that it might just make me actually do it rather than just talk about it if I tell you. Lol I'll let you know. Lovely to get your message as always xxx

@WIP and Levi ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ•



Re: Trying to stay Sane

Thanks love, I may come across sounding  better than I am - years of wearing a mask, I'm very good at it now. @Anastasia 

ive always been the one ppl have gravitated to for help, advice and hope - everything I give away easily, but not to myself.

Hey, I'd love to be your training buddy - even if it starts out small scale. I absolutely love exercise, if I'm motivated - otherwise, I'm a sloth on the couch.

Im older now since since I did group training (now 45) did it all my life till 40 - & man, I've gained the kg


what workout do you do??



Re: Trying to stay Sane

Yes I get that too. I have gravitated to you with my inside shiz so I get it. Am hoping tho that it's more than just a mask. Sometimes we are the last to notice the shift x


I have a cross trainer and exercise bike. Both dust collectors. I could do that or walk. My area is extremely hilly so maybe start with equipment. I love that you sound excited!!!! I've always been best when I'm fit headspace wise so it's way overdue and my jeans are waaaay too tight at present.

I love exercise too so we have that in common. Have my ot certificate lol also gathering dust.  So let's do this!!! @WIP 

Re: Trying to stay Sane

I hope you have a good day today @Anastasia 


Did you decide on what type of exercise you're going to do today?


Im going to start off slowly, with half hour fast paced walks, then build up to an hour, then join a local gym or outdoor group training, to introduce weights/resistance training into my exercise. I'm not a fan of running at all.



Re: Trying to stay Sane

Really pleased to hear that you applied for those two volunteer roles @WIP and I hope you are successful at securing either one. They both sound great. Hi @Anastasia . Trying to catch up on posts from yesterday. Slow day.


Emelia ๐ŸŒท

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Take it easy over the coming days @Anastasia 

You've got a lot to deal with your boy and that's going to take a lot of mental strength. Work

will be manageable as it's second nature to you.


Keep going, will be thinking of you ๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿ’•

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Thank you @WIP ๐Ÿ’ž


How are you, are you ok?


Re: Trying to stay Sane

Yeah, I'm ok today thanks @Anastasia 

Just feeling a blah and have lots of 'conversations' running around in my head. Need to calm to noise and focus on what I can do today in this moment