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Paranoid schizophrenia role model/sponsor for brother

Hey guys,

My brother has been suffering with symptoms akin with paranoid schizophrenia for about 6 years but it has become worse over the last year.

He has never been diagnosed and refuses to believe that there is something wrong with him. Part of his delusions is that “they” are trying to make him look crazy - so getting him to seek help is almost impossible. 

I was hoping that through this forum I might be able to make some connections in the Newcastle/Sydney area to find someone who has been through something similar and come out the other side. Someone who my brother could relate to and discuss his paranoid feelings with. Similar to AA or NA with group meetings where stories are shared and people have sponsors.

From what I have read, you need a diagnosis or referral to even get into a mental health support group - which he would not be open to... any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks! 


Re: Paranoid schizophrenia role model/sponsor for brother

Hi @Cas1100 ,


Welcome to the Forums! Smiley Happy I'm so sorry to hear that your brother has been suffering with Paranoid Schizophrenia for the last 6 years, and that over the last year things have gotten even worse.


I just wanted to give you a heads-up that the SANE Forums are an anonymous space, so unfortunately our forum cannot be used as a platform to make face-to-face connections.


However, you may wish to look into the Support Groups "Grow" has to offer. "Grow" is a national organization that provides support groups for mental illness. From my knowledge, a referral is not needed to access this support. Please see below:


1800 558 268 (national)
9-4 Mon-Fri


I hope this is helpful for your brother! Smiley Happy


Kindest Regards,


Re: Paranoid schizophrenia role model/sponsor for brother

Hello @Cas1100 

I too can recommend GROW.

Best wishes from Melly.