Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
21-06-2018 06:48 AM
21-06-2018 06:48 AM
Hi, I am 21 and have been with my boyfriend for a year. From the beginning I have always been aware of his struggle with mental health.
Over the past year I have seen him have a number of ups and downs - he has been in and out of work and he has often drunk heavily or taken drugs as a 'coping mechanism'. This concocion of things has led him to steal from me, lie to me and go out all day and night where I would not hear from him for a day or two - even if we had plans.
He has days which are really good and days which are really bad, to the point where he is threatening suicide. He has days where he is also angry beyond control. It is almost as if he 'boils over' and a burst of emotion escapes him - where he will call me every nasty name under the sun (despite him knowing that I hate the words and him doing it) and on a few occassions, he has been physically violent towards me.
I also find that sometimes he can be very indecisive. He will tell me that he doesn't love me, that he hates me, he doesn't want to look at me or touch me. I will leave because of this, as I feel as though I know he doesn't mean it, but giving him time to cool down will help. If I do this, he will insist I come back and continue to call me nasty names because I have began to leave the area.
This isn't every detail; and I am sure I have left out many aspects to the relationship. But I am at a loss. Often after these spates of anger; he will cry and tell me that he is sorry and knows that the way he treats me is wrong - but that his metnal health issues are the route of the problems and that he can't help it and that counselling will help (he is currently on the waiting list).
I know he loves me and I know that he tries so so hard to support us and to make a future for us.
Is this abuse? Am I being dramatic and not supportive enough? I need advice. I am so lost. I feel like I need someone to tell me it's okay - but even then, he tells me that it isn't anyone else's business. Help.
21-06-2018 11:59 AM
21-06-2018 11:59 AM
Hello @Anon24
I am afraid I cannot tell you it is okay; violence is not okay, stealing is not ok. It is abuse.
However, supporting loved ones is okay. Here is a link for some services that may be of help to you:
22-06-2018 07:35 PM
22-06-2018 07:35 PM
Hi @Anon24
If someone is calling you names and physicallly hurting you, it does sound like abuse. You deserve to be in a nice relationship with someone who respects you and is kind to you. Maybe it might help you to talk to a counsellor? From what you wrote it sounds like this man has a lot of problems of his own and he is trying to make them become your problems. He does sound quite out of control and people like that usually do not get better on their own. Things are unfortunately not likely to improve and might even get worse.
Is there a reason why you stay with him? Are you scared to leave him?
Do you have any good friends or family that you can talk to who might be able to help you? Hope you are okay.
22-06-2018 08:17 PM
22-06-2018 08:17 PM
Hello @Anon24
It sounds like a difficult situation you have found yourself in. It can be so difficult at times to decide what is and isn't acceptable when we love someone; and when mental illness is involved, I think it can blur things further.
It is great that your boyfriend is on a waiting list for counselling and it's great that you are supporting him to get some professional support in place. However, it is not ok for him to be physically violent or verbally abusive, no matter what is going on for him.
Is there anyone you can talk to about what is happening? As @girl99 has suggested, talking to friends and family can be a huge help. You could also give 1800RESPECT a call to talk things through. They are experienced in talking with people experiencing physical, verbal or emotional abuse.
And please keep posting here. There's always someone here to listen 🙂
24-07-2018 08:59 AM
24-07-2018 08:59 AM
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Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
Our Mission
To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.
Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
Our Mission
To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.