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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

The 'smileys' are coming up ... if you search online there might be a combination of buttons you can push that give an emoticon result ....


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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Yeah thanks, must learn them, trouble is I don't know yet how they'll come through until its posted. Did u see dulphins today?

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Not yet .... 😊

It's still early here ..., I'm just down at the river now.

I posted photos of our sunrise on 365 Project before I left the house, if you haven't found them yet.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

🐬🐬🐬's .... 😊💕

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hello @Faith-and-Hope, @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @Former-Member

big cup of coffee please xx

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Shaz51 how are you?

 I'll have a cuppa too. In my special mug please...Smiley Very Happy


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

I totally love your mug @CherryBomb

where did you get it from ? and what other animal mugs are there

I am ok, thank you for asking

going for a xray for sciatica 

and got ne tablets for the kidney infection

Hubby is ok too

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Having a Milo now before mustering energy for dinner prep (western time 😏) ....

How is everybody ?

Sorry to hear you are still battling the kidney infection @Shaz51, and sciatica now too ....

@Former-Member - how's that vegie soup coming along ?

Love the mug @CherryBomb

It was a beautiful day here today ... I ended up on a long walk this morning and saw my favourite fin-babies ....


There is a baby dolphin amongst them now ... I was with D1 and we thought it was a huge fish flipping out of the water .... which it was actually !! ... but it took a minute to realise it was a baby dolphin cos it was so unco-ordinated and inelegant !!!!!  Always thought dolphins were naturally elegant.  Nope !  Not with the aerials anyway ... It was only when other members of the pod rolled their fins out of the water that we realised what it was, and then saw his baby fin bobbing up and down too .... not elegantly at all 😊

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Shaz51 I got it in Newcastle a few weeks back when I went on a mini-break. They only had dog mugs, but they had different breeds like chihuahuas, labroadors and susauge dogs. So very cute!

Sorry to hear that the kidney infection and sciatica. Robot Mad How are you feeling?

Not applicable

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

How cute @Faith-and-Hope, the fumbling baby dulphins, you describe it well. As for the soup, well 😞 I want one of those coffee mugs @CherryBomb, a foxy or tenterfield terrier please lol. @Shaz51, cranberry juice & celery are good for UTI. Be well soon.