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Re: Help! Very close to having to kick my eldest son (19) out of the house



My 16yr old son  has ocd/depression and a substance disorder.He is dependant on cannabis and was intimidating me and bullying me into giving him money to pay for his habit or he would explode, disrespect  me and smash and destroy my property.

This went on for over a year and in that time i called police for help which resulted in 2 interim AVOs although my son was allowed to live with me.

It affected my mental health and i was completely concerned about the potential mental trauma it mite cause my 9yr old daughter..   i did not want her to think violence and aggressive behaviour my son was displaying was ok..   it wasnt.. so i told him outright he needed to find other accomadation until he soughted his anger issues out as i could no longer tolerate it further.

I had to do it - i couldnt continue being anxious and hyper vigilant everyday waiting for him to explode..


He is living with my mother short term..   and i will not allow him to return until i see a change in his anger. 


Re: Help! Very close to having to kick my eldest son (19) out of the house

Hi @Katzpurr76, thank you for sharing your experience. It's important to remember to look after yourself and your other family members in times like this, which you have done so. Do you also have a professional support team helping your son manage his health? 

Re: Help! Very close to having to kick my eldest son (19) out of the house

Yeh it just hasnt been regular enough and the small amount of cbt he recieved he wasnt able to really grasp because he was cannabis affected...

He has come along way but i believe they needed to concentrate on the anxiety and ocd abit harder.