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Feeling lost

Haven't been on here for a while. Not because my daughter's mental health has been good but more that I kept my head down and tried to survive. Tonight I have hit the wall. Just had a phone call from the hospital where my daughter went seeking help 48hrs ago. It's a public hospital. We have covid in the household. My daughter is in a scovid ward away from the psych unit being cared for by generalist staff.. Sat on a chair in emergency for 12 hours and.then a bed for another 12 hours in emergency.. She was so scared, I think she knew what was coming. Tonight I get a phone call from the hospital dr asking for permission to shackle her. I did not know we did that anymore. The system is so broken. I am broken. 

Casual Contributor

Re: Feeling lost

That is heartbreaking for you both 😞
Casual Contributor

Re: Feeling lost

1 step at a time, the tiny steps will all add up x
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Re: Feeling lost

@Mon0497 that sounds like a terribly scary experience, of course for your daughter, but also for you to have received a phone call like that. 

How are you going today? I can't imagine how you must be feeling, but to hear you say that you feel broken, it's completely understandable given what you've been going through. 

I just wanted to send a gentle reminder that the SANE counselling service is open 10am-10pm Monday to Friday AEST/AEDT and can be contacted on 1800 187 263.

Caring for a loved one experiencing what sounds like a complex mental health issue is incredibly tough. I just want you to know you don't need to navigate it alone. Sometimes reaching out for a chat with a counsellor can lift a little of the emotional burden, particularly if as a carer you feel you need to be strong for your loved one 💙

Re: Feeling lost

Dear @Mon0497 ,


I'm sorry to hear how challenging things are for you at the moment. 


I hope you've been able to speak to the doctor and discuss the needs of your daughter at this time.


My heart goes out to you,


Re: Feeling lost

@Mon0497  thinking of you both and sending gentle thoughts. xxx

Re: Feeling lost


Sorry to hear of your family struggles with Covid and the psych system.

Yes, sadly, they still do put people in mechanical restraints or shackles.  I am surprised they phoned to ask you.  At least that is a sign of respect and awareness and I hope your daughter's hospital journey unfolds in a therapeutic manner.  It is a really difficult situation for the person being restrained and those who love them to witness.

Re: Feeling lost

Thank you for everyone's care. 

My daughter is finally on the psych ward.

Feeling somewhat more settled I think. 

We now have a plan which is good and treatment can start. 

Can anyone recommend any books for three year olds about parents mental health. This is the first admission my grandbaby is asking questions about her mum. I am aware of FAPMI


Re: Feeling lost

Hi @Mon0497 How terrifying for you to receive that phone call. Glad to hear you have a treatment plan now and I hope things improve for your daughter. I can't think of any books off the top of my head, but wanted to let you know about a podcast about mental health for children ages 3 and up. It's called and I hope that will be useful. It must be a bit confusing for the little one but they are lucky to have you looking out for them 💝

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Re: Feeling lost

Hi @Mon0497,

I'm so pleased to hear that your daughter sounds to be getting the help she needs and that your family can take some comfort in that. To your question about children's books, I found this list and there are some which look/sound quite lovely:

Finding a book for three year old might be tricky, but hopefully this list can point you in the right direction – you may be able to find related books in Amazon.

Wishing you and your daughter all the best.