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EPA and Carers Wage

Hi, does anyone know if you can still keep your EPA if you apply for the Carers wage as apposed to the Carers allowance?





Re: EPA and Carers Wage

hello and welcome @Koha 

Yes  you  still keep your EPA if you apply for the Carers wage as apposed to the Carers allowance?

amm the Carers Pension and Carers allowance you have to apply to both 

Re: EPA and Carers Wage

Hi @Koha, welcome to SANE 🙂 It's great to see you here! 


Hoping that @Shaz51's post has been helpful and provides you the answers you were looking for. 


I am wondering if you were to explore this further, would you consider looking into centrelink's payment processes, inclusion and exclusion criteria?


Look foward to hearing from you 🙂

Re: EPA and Carers Wage

@Koha  how are you today 

if you have any questions regrading this and about carers payment please ask