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Cancer, help me

Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body

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Re: Cancer, help me

Hello @jackkiu0603k, and welcome to the Forums.  Sorry to see that you have not yet received a reply.

You have not said much in your opening post, so I expect people are waiting to hear more before jumping in to greet and assist you, where they can.

Would you like to tell us some more about what you are currently going through?  I note that you have posed in the Carers Forum.  Can you tell me if you are caring for someone with cancer?  Or is it yourself who has been diagnosed with cancer?

I have some experience as a carer of someone with cancer.  Both my Mum and my husband were diagnosed with advanced cancer last year.  If I can help with anything, please reply and I will do whatever I can to assist.  If its support you need, perhaps you can also try Carers Australia or the Cancer Council.  You also have the people here who I have found to be a wonderful support network to me.

Hope to hear back from you.  If you reply, could you please tag me in?  If you hit the @ sign, it will bring up my name, so just select it.  Really hope you're okay.

Sherry  Heart

Re: Cancer, help me

Hello @jackkiu0603k and welcome to the forum

Like @Former-Member sid would you like to tell us a little bit more about yourself , are you are carer for someone

Like to hear from you and to let you know that you are not alone my friend

Not applicable

Re: Cancer, help me

Hi @jackkiu0603k,

As you can see, I have moved your post to a better suited area in the forums so that more members can reply. 

You already have some great responses and support here - hopefully that helps and you can continue to share with the community Smiley Happy

Re: Cancer, help me

Hello @jackkiu0603k 

checking in to see how you are today , being thinking of you today