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Re: Topic Tuesday // Mindfulness and CBT for carers // 21 March, 7 - 9pm AEDT

Hi there, sorry late to join and have been skimming through to try and catch up.
I've just been introduced to CBT and so far finding it useful. But it's only been a week!
Instinctively i find mindfulness easier though i still have to work on it

Re: Topic Tuesday // Mindfulness and CBT for carers // 21 March, 7 - 9pm AEDT

@snowlee do you find carers complete the online course within the time period or is there a larger number that need longer to complete it because of caring duties taking up their time?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Mindfulness and CBT for carers // 21 March, 7 - 9pm AEDT

@snowlee127 thank you so much for your responses. Yes, more intensive psychological support, that's where I am at right now! It's like I am hungry for it constantly. And it is making a big difference. Thanks.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Mindfulness and CBT for carers // 21 March, 7 - 9pm AEDT

wow, already one hour into the discussion, but we got another hour to go! So there's plenty of time get your questions in for @snowlee127Smiley Very Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday // Mindfulness and CBT for carers // 21 March, 7 - 9pm AEDT

I have found mindfulness helpful in all aspects of life at different times. Still a lot to learn about CBT, I think it would help me best during times of anxiety.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Mindfulness and CBT for carers // 21 March, 7 - 9pm AEDT

Hi @snowlee127

My biggest thing is finding a  Balance ?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Mindfulness and CBT for carers // 21 March, 7 - 9pm AEDT

Good evening

Re: Topic Tuesday // Mindfulness and CBT for carers // 21 March, 7 - 9pm AEDT

@Determined @CherryBomb Yes and that is also the reason why for a non-pharmaceutical intervention to be effective, it takes at least 8 sessions of interventions. I often think about it this way; I won't expect to see a difference in my body if I went to the gym for just one day. It is the same principle of actually training our brain, training our pre-frontal cortex. One thing about CBT is, people, end up judging themselves when they had the automatic negative reactions. I think personally, that's when mindfulness practice became important, to be able to go 'hmm, thats interesting, I am having this reaction. Maybe I need to train my mind a bit more'. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Mindfulness and CBT for carers // 21 March, 7 - 9pm AEDT

@snowlee127  in which context is  "acceptance" spoken of.  Is that deemed of a passive or proactive nature.  ie does it mean understanding to accept or passive acceptance? 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Mindfulness and CBT for carers // 21 March, 7 - 9pm AEDT

@snowlee127, I'd never thought of it that way. Setting ourselves realistic expectations is so important. And we can't expect intstant results when changing behaviour and thinking. 

@Marie7 welcome to the conversvation! Feel free to ask snowlee127 any questions about CBT that you have.